Chapter 13

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Wednesday: 24 Days Until The Wedding

Shopping every other week or so was an essential part of traveling, and it's what Dolph and I were doing this fine afternoon at the Wal-Mart miles away from the hotel, with hats and sunglasses to complete our outfit so we had less of a chance of being mobbed by fans.

I grab a small four pack of Angel Soft tissue and toss it into the buggy. "And then she told me that my blood pressure was too high, which wasn't normal for someone my age. But I feel fine. Not stressed at all."

"I don't know. You seem a little high strung to me."

I look behind me to see Dolph reaching for a small box of Tide. "Stop," I yell. He freezes, holding up his hands like he's being held at gunpoint. I move past the buggy and grab the box of Apple Mango Tango Gain detergent. "We only use Gain in our household."

He gives me a look that says "yeah, you're not high strung".

"Okay, maybe I am a little on edge. You know what? Enough about me." I put the detergent into the cart and grab the front of it, starting to pull it down the aisle. "What about you? How'd your date with Dana go?" The date was last Saturday, and I had been so caught up in my own issues, I had completely forgotten to ask Dolph about it.

"It didn't. A minor family problem of hers came up, so we agreed to reschedule it for this Saturday."

"You sure she just didn't want to be seen out in public with you," I tease.

Dolph laughs, leaning against the buggy handle as we walk through the aisles. "That's definitely not it. I mean, have you seen my face?" I glance at him to see him rubbing the stubble on his Superman-like chin. "See that cleft? I'm obviously the handsomest guy she's ever seen."

I focus ahead again, nodding in agreement. "Yeah, Chris Evans has got nothing on you."

"Damn straight," he answers, earning a chuckle from me. "So what's planned for the next few days? Wedding wise."

I cruise over my shopping list before answering. "Nothing really. The next few days should be all about rest and relaxation. But next week I'm planning on the wedding party all getting together and doing some kind of group activity."

"Finger painting," Dolph suggests. "Seem like that's right up Ambrose's ally."

I let my fingers slide over the fruit labels, before picking up a small bag of apples and placing them in the buggy. "Oh, please don't let him hear you say that. We don't need another argument on our hands. And finger painting is a no-go, just in case you were serious."

Dolph picks up a single orange, tossing it in the air once. "What happened to being open to everything?"

"Even everything has limits." I jump up slightly to snatch the orange out of the air before Dolph can catch it. "The finger painting idea I can deal with, but playing with fruit in the store is something I have no tolerance for. Where are you manners?" I place it back on the display, but then after feeling like Dolph has already claimed it, take it back and put it in our buggy to purchase. "You owe me 60 cents for the orange," I tell him in a joking manner.

He pats his pockets as if I'm serious and winces. "Do you take credit?"

- - - - -

The decorations are beautiful, and the guest sit around waiting for me to be escorted down the aisle.

I loop my arm in my dad's and he slowly walks me down the aisle, leading me to the man that would be my husband in a matter of minutes.

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