Step One: Figuring Out Everybody's Place

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Tuesday: 53 Days Until The Wedding

Seth chuckles. "Can you do that?"

"We made a pact, so it has to be done."

"Okay," Seth starts. "Brie is your Matron of Honor. Nikki, Charlotte, and Eden as Bridesmaids, and Dolph, Cody, and Randy as your"

I nod. "Don't you remember me being in Randy's and Cody's wedding. And they've been talking about being in mine forever."

Not too long after I met the guys, I mentioned getting married to the man of my dreams. One of them brought up how we should each be in each other's weddings. We made a pact to do so, and that's where the terms "Groomswoman and Bridesmen" came to be.

He smiles. "Ah, yes. If I remember correctly, I think they referred to you as a "Groomswoman". Do they have to wear dresses?"

"Only if they want to." He chuckles, and I cross my legs under me with the clipboard in my hand. "So, who do you want as your Best Man?"

"Daniel." I write down his name. "And speaking of Daniel," Seth continues. "Won't Nikki or Charlotte be jealous that they're not the Maid or Matron of Honor?"

I shake my head. "They'll understand. I grew up with Charlotte, but we haven't talked in so long. And if I'm being honest, I feel closer to Brie than Nikki. And even Charlotte for that matter."

Seth nods, and I look back at my clipboard.

"Who are you going to pick as your Groomsmen?"

Seth strokes his chin, thinking about it. "Definitely some of my Ring of Honor boys. Kevin, Cesaro, and Sami. And Dean."

"What about Roman," I ask, writing down everybody's names.

Seth shrugs. "I mean, we're cool and all now, but I don't know if he'd be interested."

"Well, I'll put his name down, and we'll give him a call and see." I write down 'Roman', then look back up at Seth. "Anyone else," I goad.

He shakes his head. "Nope."

I sigh. "Seth...come on."

His eyes meet mine and a few seconds later he stands up off the couch, walking to the other side of our Davenport home. "No, Asher. I know what you're trying to bait me to do and it's not going to work."

I put the clipboard down and stand up, walking over to face him. "Seth, please. It makes no sense to hold a grudge this long."

"I'm not the one holding the grudge, Ash."

"Yeah, you are. You both are." I grab one of his hands and look him in the eyes. "He's your only family."

Seth slowly slides his hand out of my grip. "I know, but...this is just the way it is." He kisses me on the forehead then bypasses by me out the door.

I close my eyes as I slump against it.

(WARNING: This could be a sensitive topic to some people, and I just wanted to warn you before you read.)

The relationship between Seth and his older brother, Brand, was a sad one.

When Seth was 16 and dead set on becoming a wrestler, he didn't really care about the world around him and he wanted to drop out of school to have more time to train. His parents were mortified, and his brother told him he was a dumb ass, and that he should be more focused on school instead of an unreachable dream. Seth tried not to let it get to him.

A few nights after that, he brought it back up, and it led to a huge argument with his family. Seth was angry, and he set out into the night on his own, trying to clear his head. His mom and dad agreed to drive around and look for him, and since Brand was still a little ticked at Seth, he didn't go along for the ride.

Seth's parents were killed in a car crash by a drunk driver that night. Looking for Seth.

He blamed himself. And when Brand told Seth that he blamed him too, Seth dropped out with only a year to go, and he moved out.

Over the next years, Seth put everything he had into becoming the best wrestler he could be.

The last time he heard from his brother was on his voicemail, when Brand called to tell him that he was moving to Des Moines, and was looking to become a policeman.

Seth never called back.

That was 11 years ago.

I shouldn't have even brought it up to him, but I really wanted his brother to be there. And I know, deep down, that Seth does too.

I grab my phone off the couch and punch in a number.

"Yeah," he answers.

"Hey. You busy this Saturday?"

"Not unless you have any wedding stuff that involves me. And if you don't, then no."

I sit down. "Good. Because I need your help."

"With what," he asks on the other line.

"I'll tell you on Saturday. Come to our house at around 7 in the morning."

"7 in the morning? That's way too early. And this sounds secretive. Does Rollins know about whatever this is you have planned?"

"No, he does not, and I'd like to keep it that way. So when you're tux shopping tomorrow, try not to mention it."

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever you say, Helmsley. I'll be there." He lets out a low chuckle. "If you go down for this and Rollins looks at me to're the one getting hit with the steel chair."

I bite my lip. "Let's hope no steel chairs get involved," I say, with a light laugh, but on the inside I'm a little worried.

Not that I'll get hit with a steel chair, but that Seth won't really take my gesture as a kind gesture.

If Seth goes for this idea, then great.

But if he doesn't...I don't know what's going to happen.

I'm not even sure if that's his brother's real name or if he's even the older brother, but let's not dwell on those things.

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