Chapter 31

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Sunday Afternoon: June 5

Seth goes to grab our bags off the conveyor belt, but at the last second turns around and engulfs me in a hug when they pass by, still in the honeymoon phase as he hides his face against my neck.

Our honeymoon had been great; a week of peace that we both needed, where we talked out some things and I came clean about the lies I had made. I explained to him how Greek became such a huge part of me, and he discussed in depth how everything Brand put him through. At times he would get choked up and when I was comforting him silently it hit me: all of the things we had been through these last couple of months were just obstacles, and we were able to overcome them. We made a promise to each other in Greece that when any more obstacles got in our way, we would jump them together.

I laugh as Seth stands still with his arms wrapped tightly around me, completely content with not moving a muscle. "Will you stop playing around and just get the bags? We can't stay at the airport all day."

He releases me but keeps his hands on my arms, looking at me with a challenging stare. "Who says? I think we could stay here longer and make a pretty decent living, actually." He points over at a vending machine. "There's our food and water. A bathroom right next to it." Looking back at me, he smirks and lets his hands trail down my arms until they're interlaced with my own. "We can make this airport our paradise, Ash. What do you say?"

I remove my hands from his with a shake of my head and a grin. "I say you're crazy." I see our bags start to pass again, but this time I hurry to grab them. "The saying stands true," I tell Seth as I place the bags on the ground beside us.

"What saying would that be," Seth wonders, snaking his arms around my waist and pulling me closer.

I smile. "If you want something done you've gotta do it yourself."

- - - - -

As we're driving home, Seth singing off-key to A Day to Remember that only validates my love for him, my phone starts to ring. I look at the Caller ID to see it's Cody and turn the radio volume down a bit before answering. "Hey, Cody. What's up," I ask cheerfully.

He doesn't respond right away, instead clearing his throat over the line. "Um, hey Asher. How was the honeymoon?"

I take a peek at Seth to see he's bobbing his head to the music a little too violently to be the one driving. I tap his arm with the back of my hand and when he meets my eyes, I tilt my head to the side and raise my eyebrows. He understands what I'm trying to get through to him and mock pouts, and I have to cover my mouth to stifle a chuckle. "It was good," I tell Cody, a laugh still bubbling in the back of my throat at Seth. "Fun. Relaxing. It's good to be heading home, though."

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