Chapter 3: Friendly Surprise

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A rather tall boy's silhouette framed the door as he clunked his luggage beside the bunk. I was almost awake now, and somewhat startled. I believe he didn't know I was there. It was only when he sighed heavily that I realised I had sucked my breath in for as long as he was in the room. He didn't make a fuss and went straight to bed.

Why was he coming here so late anyway? Which one is he? I asked myself before falling asleep.


It had struck me that I was in a room with a complete stranger, we had said absolutely nothing to each other, and yet I felt more at ease than I usually do at home. I didn't exactly feel at 'home' in Namja Academy yet, but I had a hopeful feeling in the pit of my stomach.

The room was brightly filtered with the early morning sun, even though only half the curtain was open. A bell resounded throughout all the dorm rooms at exactly 8am, and I finally felt I was in school not home. I picked my head up to find that the tall boy was already up.

The sound of the shower confirmed he was in the bathroom.

After 5 minutes of staring at a bare wall, I heard wet footsteps on the wooden floor. I turned; the tall boy was looking straight at my face in shock. "Oh my god. Who are you?!" he blurted out, his voice was rather soft. "I-I'm Kyungsoo." I said back as I speedily got up and headed to the bathroom.


After getting dressed, I rushed down to the cafeteria, remembering the way from yesterday. I found that the boy was already gone, and thought it was kind of rude how he left me alone. I had no idea who anyone was nor knew where to sit.

There were now a few more students than before, and it was enough to make me feel uncomfortable. Everyone had formed groups of friends, with the exception of some... Although, I didn't want to look like a loser, I ate my food patiently and occasionally glanced at the boys eyeing me. Lessons didn't start till tomorrow and I was extremely isolated from the other boys. I could tell some of the boys were a lot younger than me, even they had friends. Hardly any of them seemed approachable. The only thing which separated me from the other boys was the colour of my tie. I had been given a tie with a yellow tip. I noticed there were other colours like, pink, blue and red. All sorts. I assumed it was something to do with our age.

After eating a hearty breakfast - alone in the midst of the cafeteria, being an eyesore to all the other boys. I walked around the school some more to explore, which then lead me to beautiful gardens of NJA. That's when I realised how much I missed Jae Hwa and Ju Hyun. It felt like they were a million miles away.

I had walked a few paces into the garden and found a bench; it was on the open pathway facing a part of the dorm. I sat their feeling ever so peaceful, I felt like that would become my spot. Suddenly, my mind started playing memoirs of Yura.


"UWAA! Kyungsoo-ah, these flowers are so beautiful" she said smelling the petals eagerly. I snatched the flower out of her hand, and sneezed. "ERRRR!" she yelled, which made me laugh.

*flashback end*

"What are you laughing at?" said a calm toned boy. I had my eyes shut, and reminisced the beautiful moment Yura introduced me to roses. Well, it wasn't that beautiful, but to me it was precious. "Hello? You okay?" he said attempting the second time.

I open my eyes to find a blonde boy analysing my appearance as if I'm an inhumane creature. "Huh? Um.. Yeah" I said smiling. "You must be new or something? I've never seen you before..." I nod without saying anything. God, why was I so awkward here? I'd have to survive somehow. "I'm Yoongi, but people call me Suga. By the way, what's your name?" he placed a gentle smile, "I'm Kyungsoo" I said back, and for some reason we shook hands.

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