Chapter 21: Dinner Party

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After a cold and dreary Christmas in Daegu, my father (Manager of Hyundai) decided to organise a special feast for us and his colleagues. He treated us the same way anyway, not that family meant anything special.

I was both looking forward to this event, and feeling nervous because it was clear that most of the seniors of the company were afraid of my future duties and often questioned or judged me.

However, I didn't ever think about taking my father's role and he had not asked me yet.

New Years Day.

It had been a week since I found Yura sobbing into my chest, but it's also been a week since Ju Hyun has been ignoring me. At least that's what it looks like.

Wherever I go, she'll go the opposite way, whatever I say, she'll say the opposite and whatever I do, she tries to avoid me. I started to feel guilty of my actions but I couldn't pinpoint where I went wrong.

"Let's go, your father must be waiting" commanded Miss Yoon Hye clutching her handbag. I followed behind Sae Ron as we got into the car.

DongIn Hotel Restuarant.

It took us a 30-minute drive to my father's favourite hotel. On my way there I kept wondering if this was the place where my father met Miss Yoon Hye. It was like a love-affair palace for rich men.

When we arrived, just-on-time, there was a small gathering of Hyundai seniors with their wife and children perhaps waiting for our arrival. To be honest, I hated the high-profile lifestyle and even more so when people stared at me because of it.

"Don't be shy guys, we'll settle down soon" hushed Miss Yoon Hye as we confidently walked up to the entrance.

A few metres away stood my father. He was in his mid 50's and his wrinkles were beginning to come into shape. Plastic surgery was never his style. He took a second glance at me and his eyes lit up.

"Kyungsoo-ah?!... Is it really my dear boy?" He asked dramatically.

"Neh" I said bowing politely. "Abeuji how are you?"

"I'm well. Ah, how good it is for you to be here! Madame Yoon Hye was telling me you decided to go to boarding school. How have you been?" His voice was so loud and demanding. One of the reasons why I didn't really enjoy talking to him. Surprisingly, he was being nice, maybe because the press were right under our breath.

"I'm okay, abeuji. Yes I go to Namja Academy" I said hesitantly, forcing a smile.

He patted my back gently and lead us to the seats. Everyone followed our lead as if we were acting out a theatre performance. Everything felt awkward.

Everyone was allocated seats on the 3 long row of tables. After we had already started eating, a noisy entrance disturbed the atmosphere. The guests averted their eyes to door as it opened.

"M..Mianhae, mianhae..." Yura trailed off flustered with all the confused faces at her.

Yura rushed towards the empty seat beside her father who was surprisingly seated near me. I looked at her long brown hair that was tousled by the wind.

"Are you okay?" I whispered.

She didn't even look at me as she replied "Neh." Her voice was dry and moody.

And that's when I realised I was back to square one. It was as if she hated me all over again. I didn't even try to approach her again that night.

1 hour later.

Why won't Yura notice me? I mean, it was fate that she even turned up to this silly dinner my father organised but she could've at least said hi? Is that too much to ask for?

"Yah. Punk" hollered a crisp loud voice in the hotel hallway.

I turn around to find JB standing there in his neat tux. "Didn't think you'd see me huh? Enemies of the company, yet your stupid father invited us to his petty dinner." JB huffed.

"Now, this bastard thinks he can steal my girlfriend."


"What? What did you just say?"

"Nothing. If you're done, just leave." I said profoundly.

"Do you want me to punch you. I won't back down this time bastard." JB eyed me with a vivid glare, he was really furious this time.

"Do whatever you want, I won't back down either." I start walking away casually, when suddenly he calls out.

"Does your dad know about your thing for Yura? Or the fact that you're a murder?" Hah! A murderer... JB must be out of it. Just as I think of a reply, his eyes fall and flutter with unconsciousness.

"Come here punk... I'll take you home" I sigh.

I pick up JB as he quietly flops to the ground, and drag him to a taxi outside the front door.

Next morning.

"Morning oppa! I love you" Sae Ron kissed me sweetly. "Uhhhh.... get out. But I love you too." I pushed her gently.

"Ju Hyun's really mad at you." she said quickly as she ran downstairs.

Aigoo... this girl. Mad at me for what? "WAEE!" I shouted back. "Come down."

I run downstairs a few minutes later, "WHAT?"

Ju Hyun stood at the bottom of the stairs; her hands innocently placed in front of her.

"Kyungsoo-ah... I'm sorry." "For what?" I reply. "For ignoring you, I-I just... I was angry - because you didn't reply to us" she said in intervals.

I laughed. "I'm sorry too"

I decided to sit down to have breakfast, and Ju Hyun silenced the whole table. "Ju Hyun! Are you sure you want to tell them already??" Jae Hwa said nervously.

"Yes!" she noddled proudly. "They're like my family too"

"Go on then" interrupted Miss Yoon Hye.

"I...I... Umm..."

"Please unnie hurry! I'm dying here!" Sae Ron broke in.

"I GOT INTO SM ENTERTAINMENT!" Ju Hyun exclaimed. Sae Ron jumped into her arms and Miss Yoon Hye joined in. I just couldn't believe it, when did she audition? I knew she liked Ballet and dance, but SM? No way.

"I'm glad it worked out! Congratulations." I said. Ju Hyun gave me her happiest grin and blushed.

-- later that day --

"So where did you go yesterday?" asked Ju Hyun stuffing her face with rice cakes. "I erm.. --"

"I bet you were with Yura" Jae Hwa suggested, winking at me. Ju Hyun slapped him playfully. "yah. That's disgusting you know?"

"No, I was with JB actually. He was drunk and I had to take him home. Don't worry we didn't get into a fight."

"What about when you see him tomorrow?" asks Jae Hwa.


"Yeah, Miss Yoon Hye invited him." they both replied.

A/N: sorry for this damn late chapter! I really can't do frequent chapters as much anymore, but I hope you enjoyed this one. PLEASE help me with the storyline? I've lost all motivation, however, I'm watching this drama called Cheese In The Trap which is very inspiring! Please vote and comment thank you. Have a nice day!

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