Chapter 9: Vernon

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Morning. Dorm room.

"Gwen-channah?" Mumbled Yugeom beside my ear. What time was it? That was the first thing which came to mind. I didn't remember falling asleep last night but I must have - with the tie enveloped in my hands. I unwrapped the tie from my embrace and stared at the diamond, then the note.

"What is that? A tie?" questionned Yugyeom ruffling around the room. "By the way, I don't think that's an ordinary tie. No one I know has that."

I glanced at Yugyeom briefly, and then hastily packed up the tie. Whoever sent it a few days ago, must have got the message by now. I wasn't going to wear it till I knew who gave it.

Diamond Study room. Period 2.

"Hello everyone! I'm here with news about the trip to China. Who's excited?" Cheered Youngjae skipping into the room. "Me!" Yelled Hoshi amongst the awkward silence of the room.

"Me too" I said quietly. "That's good! At least some people are eager to study in a new environment. Please pack your bags and meet me on friday at the school entrance. Study hard students!" He said before exiting through the way he came in.

As I got out my study equipment, a very sinister figure hovered over my shoulder, "Where's Vernon's homework?!" JB snapped.

"Ok..ok, calm down. It's right here" I said breaking a sweat as I rumaged through my bag. "Hold's not.." "well go get it dork. I don't have time." JB's eyes were stern and fixed on me. If I was back in high school, maybe I would have started a fight but I obediently got out of my seat and left.


Strolling in the corridors was my way of ignoring JB for the rest of the period, however, I was hit with an extremely interesting encounter. A boy with a brunnette curtain fringe hairstyle was parked outside our room.

When I found that he appeared harmless I went to approach him. "Excuse me, are you new here?"
"Oh... no I'm not, but I was told that this is my new room." He said painting a confused face.

The boy spoke with a very western accent, and was clearly not fully Korean. "This is our room," I said lifting my eyebrows. "Maybe its the door next to ours," I suggested, he inserted the key and the lock clicked open. "Oh. Sorry I had the wrong room. Thanks for that." He rushed and shut the door behind him.

After getting Vernon's homework for JB I slowly walked back to the study room to find Yugyeom grab me by the hand. "Kyungsoo, you missed Vernon's enterance, he's just come back from America." he said with excitement.

"So what? What's so special about him?" I asked leaning my head on my hand. "You know, the trio. Once they're all together, they're unstoppable."

My ass... JB was always following me around back in Middle School. I'm sure I'll find his weakness.

"That's Vernon!" Whispered Yugyeom to me lowly. It was the boy from the corridor. Of course, Vernon... He seemed more like a flirt than the type who would hurt you. "I'm going to lunch, see you later" I said packing my stuff, Yugyeom frowned and nodded. "Give this to JB for me, please" ~


I saw Yoongi at my first glance and ran to him. "Hyung! Where have you been? We don't get to see each other as much anymore" he said sadly. It was true, I saw Yugyeom more than I did Yoongi, and oddly, Yoongi was the one who I trusted more about me.

"I'm going to China this friday. What should I do?"
"What do you mean?"

"You said you had a plan, remember? Hit me with it.... I met Vernon today--"

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