Chapter 31: Cheer Up

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I looked into Yura's deep brown eyes, without saying anything. I didn't know the answer to her question, because I hadn't thought about Ju Hyun in that way. Why was she suddenly asking me this? We keep walking until we reach the Café (Bingsu).

"I don't know," I suddenly let out. "I haven't thought about it." I immediately regret opening my mouth, when I observe Yura's frown.

"I understand if you do, Kyungsoo-ah," she says almost under her breath. "I haven't been good to you."

I avert my eyes away from her as the mood drops between us. I didn't want to be like this. "Yura... Would you like to meet another day? I just don't feel great. I'm so sorry." I get out of my seat and walk into the busy Seoul mall. I refrain from looking back, but I deeply regret leaving like that.

I call Suga. "Hey hyung." Suga picks up dryly at the other end. "I just want to say sorry, first of all. I know I should've told you sooner, but do you have time right now?"

"Sure, where are you?"

"Outside the mall, near school"

"Okay, I'm coming."

Suga arrives 10 minutes later. "What's up?"

"I just had the worst time with Yura. She's suspecting me of being in love with Ju Hyun." I declare.

"Daebak. So, what now? Are you in love with both of them?" Says Suga glaring at me.

"No..." I scratch my head frustrated. "Aish. I'm confused. I need to think about this."

I had a crush on Yura for so long that maybe my heart decided to give her up. I was always around Ju Hyun yet I had no feelings towards her, she was more like a sister. But at the end of the day, I didn't want to lose either of them. They were the most important girls in my life.

"If you think about it, Ju Hyun has been there for longer. She's also really nice to you. Yura probably had more boyfriends than you've had girlfriends, and she didn't even treat you that well when you were crazily in love with her. If I was you, I don't know what I'd do either. But come to think of it, Yura is a bit of hard road. Besides, aren't you going to America in 2 months?" Suga spoke sense into me. I pouted thanking him and rubbed my chin as I thought hard about what he said.

A day later. Dinner time, cafeteria.

"Where's Kyungsoo?" asks Vernon taking a bite into his bibimbap. Yugyeom and Suga shrug as they look around the cafeteria

I find the boys as soon as I enter. "Hey." "Where have you been today? I know you're being a jerk for not telling us about Stanford, but can you be normal again? It's driving me crazy." Confronts Yugyeom. I laugh lightly, and glance at Suga for a second. He's the only one who knows about Yura and I. I decided to avoid her after all the complicated issues she'd brought up. I've made the choice to focus on my studies and if it's in my fate I guess I'll be drawn to her.

"You can't escape me, anyway. We're going to the same university." Smiled Vernon blinking thrice. I tap his head lightly. "Aigoo... you guys are really goofy lately. If you're like this, then I might just fall for you." We all crack into laughter.

"But, did you tell him yet!" cries Vernon. "Chaeyoung asked Yugyeom out!"

My jaw drops. "Really?!" Yugyeom nods and etches a wide grin. We lift our soda's in the air and say 'To Yugyeom-ah."

I glance over our table to where Yura is sitting, her eyes wander to meet mine. I look away after a second, realising she's been staring for a while. The boys and I head back to the dorm room.

A week later, Friday; history class. Morning.

It's been a week since Yura and I had spoken. Although she frequently tried to approach me, I walked the other way. In the cafeteria, in the school grounds, even in class. It was my fourth lesson with Yura this week and I still haven't decided whether I was in love with her more than Ju Hyun. You'd think a whole novel based on her was enough, but not for me.

I've got to get used to Yugyeom and Chaeyoung. They're not like any old couple. As I stroll out of history class, my teacher hands me a large pamphlet of sources. "Make sure to complete this within 2 weeks. I'll be checking on you" commands Mr Gongsu lowering his glasses. I bow as I leave his presence. I turn around to find Yugyeom and Chaeyoung glaring at me. "Hey!" shouts Chaeyoung. I wave back and eye Yugyeom, "You guys, go ahead. I need to get something from the library." They walk ahead holding hands and skipping in the hallway. What a perfect-match, I sigh in contentment.

Upon the steps to the library, I bump into Yura in the stairway. Ottokhe? I don't really know what to say. She stops to greet me politely, but I walk past her like thin air. I hear her gasp in utter embarrassment. "Kyungsoo-ah!" she snaps. I stay still in the empty stairway. "I thought we were finally getting becoming friends."

I look at her on the opposite side of the stair case, lower down. "I've got to go," I say clearly. I keep walking, until she stops again. "Are you going to keep ignoring me like this?" she huffs in disbelief. Her eyes covered in sadness. "I'm not going to give up this time Kyungsoo-ah. I mean it." I watch her speaking with honesty and emotion.

"I really like you, Kyungsoo."


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