Chapter 5: Who?

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"What's he doing here?" I blurted out amidst the chatter in the cafeteria. My stomach was doing cartwheels which was extremely sickening after dinner.

"JB? You know him?" Confused Yugyeom asked. I nodded slowly, meanwhile Yugyeom urged for us to leave the cafeteria, so I didn't bother saying much else and followed behind him. On the way to our dorm room, I saw a scurrying figure standing outside our door.

"BAEKHYUN?" Chortled Yugyeom sprinting to the boy. I followed.
"Oh YUGYEOM!" Said Baekhyun as they exchanged a friendly hug. I felt a little bit like the third wheel.

"This is Kyungsoo, he's our new room mate." Yugyeom said facing Baekhyun, with clear excitement. I was still recovering from the sight of Jae Bum, now this random boy was being introduced to me.

"Oh hi, I'm Baekhyun!" Baekhyun added cheerfully. Baekhyun was roughly the same height as me, and had sleek brown hair. "Hi" I replied awkwardly.

As Baekhyun unpacked his things, he spoke and told several stories about his trips to China over the holiday. It made me realise that all the boys here were so unique, and different to anyone I knew back home.

" long have you been here?" Asked Baekhyun placing his last item on the bedside desk. "Err... about a day"
"Oh, then...welcome home!" He said with a surprisingly honest tone. I laughed which made him grin.

"I bet you're from Daegu"
"Why would you bet that?" Yugyeom quickly inclined.
"What made you guess that?" I said quietly.
"Well you have the Hyundai logo on all your belongings." Said Baekhyun.
I never thought of that actually. Literally all my luggages were branded 'Hyundai'.

"Yep, I'm from Daegu" I said smiling at them. "Oh cool, what classes do you take?" Asked Baekhyun as if he were a journalist tracking me down. "I-I'm taking History and Music.." I said feeling a little pink. My subjects were probably considered weird as Music was a rare subject choice here and history... Well it's history. "Those are cool choices, actually I do music too."

Baekhyun carried on tidying and organizing himself for tomorrow. After a short silence in the room, Yugyeom spoke. "So how do you know JB?" he asked facing me from a distance. "I knew him from school in Daegu. His family are like the ---" I stopped myself.

For one thing, they didn't know that my dad was the owner of Hyundai, and secondly, who even were they to know such things. "His family are really famous back in Daegu. By the way my dad owns Hyundai... so yeah" I said hoping they would join the dots. Yugyeom looked at me with rounded eyes, Baekhyun on the other hand expressed a blank face. "So your the rival company of Hyosung?" "Well, not me, but my dad was always on about them, and I guess JB took it seriously." I said trailing off slightly. If I didn't stop myself, I was the type who'd give everything away.

"So have you made any friends yet?" asked Baekhyun swiftly changing the subject. "Er...Yeah I guess?" I said dryly. In fact, I hadn't made 'friends' I just met a few people. Which reminded me, I had promised Jae Hwa and Ju Hyun that I'd call them soon. "Where's the phone?" I asked them both, they both averted their eyes to me.

"Are you going to make a call already?" asked Baekhyun in surprise, I nodded. "Maybe you should wait, because you'll probably want to call them later this week, and you can only call twice a week..- which sucks!" he exaggerated. I frowned. "It's really urgent."

"I'll show you the way" said Yugyeom hopping out of bed.

Yugyeom led me to a small section of the dorms, downstairs. It was peculiar and isolated. The phone box was stuck to the wall, and it was extremely old fashioned but it worked. And that's all I cared about. As soon as Yugyeom went back to our room, I harshly dialled Jae Hwa's number. After several rings and no answer, I proceeded to call Ju Hyun. But, I remembered she'd probably be at dance classes. So I was devastated when neither picked up. I was eager to talk to them about my first full day and quite frankly I missed them. The worse thing about being in NJA was that there was no way anyone from the outside world could contact me, as all phones were confiscated on the first day, and the landline was one way.

Namja Academy 남자 학교 - (KPOP fan-fiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora