Chapter 11: Confession 고백

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Dedicated to Xx-ImmortalDreams-xX

The late afternoon sky bloomed through the classroom window, letting in a small dash of autumn sunshine. It has been a day since my eyes locked with Yura's and I still haven't found a way to talk to her.

Yugyeom was studying biology with the Chinese students, while I was apparently being taught History. It was more like a lecture from a terrible Chinese teacher who barely spoke the language. He usually responded with a loud "Ha!" when he thought we were being intelligent.

"Young" Mr Tuan said looking deeply at my name badge, "what's the biggest mistake in world history?"

I looked around at the small class of students in hope of a friend. Was he being rhetorical? Of course, I thought,
"Erm... I don't know" I responded finally. The whole class erupted with laughter. My cheeks burned red as I saw Yura shaking her head slowly.
"Have you not been listening to me for the past hour?" Mr Tuan inquired. "Class dismissed."

On my departure, Mr Tuan abruptly called my name, "Kyungsoo, please see me for a minute."
As everyone left one by one, I stayed behind gloomily looking out the window.

"What's wrong?" He asked concerned. "You seem to be daydreaming throughout all my classes? Am I that boring?" He smiled in an old man sort of way.
I shook my head passively, "no, no sir, I'm sorry. It won't happen again" I bowed slowly, hoping to pardon the situation.

"You are a bright student, Kyungsoo.. but you are too distracted." Mr Tuan said.

Lunch, hall.

After being alerted by Mr Tuan, I was definitely feeling the school spirit. "Where is Hoshi these last few days?" Asked Yugyeom picking at his plate of unfinished food.

"I haven't seen him myself," I sighed, simultaneously mirroring Yugyeom.
"And... Wonwoo... he's been surprisingly quiet." Yugyeom narrowed his eyes.
"Maybe he's nicer than you expected" I said. "I mean Vernon's not too bad... it's JB who's the problem."

I felt a light pat on my shoulders, and immediately turned to face the figure on my left.
"You're Kyungsoo, right?" Said a boy with flattering blonde hair. "I'm Mark.. Krystal's been telling me to meet you~" he smiled.

"Ahh...Yes I'm Kyungsoo," I laughed, exchanging an awkward handshake.

"Oppa!" Squealed Krystal from a distance as she entered the lunch hall. Students were turning their heads as usual, but it was less significant than a single sex school. We both turned not realising who she was addressing.

Krystal flew into Marks arms, and I couldn't help but burst into laughter. "Aww kyupta!" Cried Yugyeom. "This is my favourite couple at NJA"

"Let's go to the park, you all have a free period right?" Suggested Krystal. Yugyeom and I nodded, despite knowing that we were both incredibly behind in self study.

Shortly after; Rose Gardens.

While Krystal and Mark followed behind us, me and Yugyeom couldn't figure out what to do with our time.

"I still have Biology to catch up with... Aish, let's go back" flustered Yugyeom. "Don't worry you have a day left, but let's go"

We both trailed back towards the school leaving behind Mark and Krystal. I attempted a short conversation with Mark, but it wasn't the best time of day. On our entrance, we stumbled across Vernon.

"Hey" Vernon hollered unexpectedly, making Yugyeom jump.

"Oh, hey" I replied in a glance. "What's up?" Although, I didn't care, I was too fascinated by Yura in the background walking towards us.

"Not much, I was just looking for Wonwoo, have you seen him?" he asked impatiently. I shook my head. Yura stood beside Vernon while carrying a set of books in her arms.

"Hey Vernon... Hey Yugyeom, Hey.." Yura said before sighing. She looked at me, as if to say 'what's your name again?' I looked at her apologetically... How can you not remember me?

"Ky..Kyungsoo" I stuttered. "Ahh... Kyungsoo.." she mumbled avoiding my eyes.

My heart started racing suddenly, with excitement, joy and fearlesses. I felt like doing cartwheels. This was the first time she'd acknowledged me openly.

"Er.. Yura..." I said lowly. They all glared at me in confusion. "Can I talk to you for a minute?... nothing serious." I added. Yura hesitated and gave me a bothered look, but she accepted my offer.

Back entrance of Xiang High School...

"What is it?" she demanded. I looked at her beautiful glowing face and mustered the courage to tell her everything that was biting me ever since I saw her.

"Yura... It's me, Kyungsoo from Daegu. Don't you remember?" I felt my heart beating out of my chest. She grumpily clustered her eyebrows together. "Do you not know how hard it was for me to say goodbye to you? It was my ninth birthday and you left me in front of everyone. I will always remember when y--"

"That's enough," she snapped. Her face grew pale, just thinking about the memories we shared. "huh?" It was as if I had been slapped, but I felt my eyes on the verge of tears. Frustrated tears. Did she really not care about me?

"What do you want me to do about it? That was almost 10 years ago." she cried. "I really liked--no, I still like you. I always have. I can't forget about you... Seriously Yura... how could you do this to me? How can you just ignore me like that?" I took a deep breath and kept my eyes on the floor.

"What are trying to do? Why are you even here?" Yura looked desperate for an answer, as if my presence disgusted her.

"I just want us to be the same as we used to be. I'll stay by your side Yura. Is that too much to ask for?" "Are you crazy? I'm the Queen of Diamond group, do you know what that means?" "No..." I frowned.

Yura put her hands over her face in frustration before looking at me furiously.

She took out a light blue tie from her shirt pocket and wrapped it around my neck.

Later that evening, dorm room.

Upon entering the dorm room, I felt all eyes fixed on me. "What is that?" demanded Wonwoo, "huh? what?" I responded, looking at everyone's horrified looks. "Are you playing a prank?" asked Yugyeom, chuckling.

"The blue tie... where'd you find it?" snapped Wonwoo getting out of his seat. "Errr... why?" I asked feeling a little embarrassed. "That's Yura's" he blurted out. "I know, she gave it to me..." I felt the hairs on my neck stand up as he stormed out.

Shortly after, I remembered what Yoongi advised of me; "make sure Wonwoo isn't around" it all echoed in my head like a nightmare. What did Wonwoo have to do with it?

Yugyeom grabbed my hand and gestured towards the door, "Come with me" he mouthed. He led me all the way to an isolated part of the dorms. "Look, whatever you just did now is serious. Why are you wearing that?" Yugyeom blurted out worriedly.

"What did I do?... This tie?" I stammered. I removed the tie from my neck and stared at it.

"You.... could be in trouble." started Yugyeom. "If Yura gave you that.." he continued. "Wonwoo used to have that tie for a long time, and when he lost it... it caused a lot of trouble..."

I tried to pay attention but was too distracted by my own thoughts. "What does it mean to have this tie?" I asked, feeling terrified of the answer. Yugyeom sighed.

"It means you're her diamond group boyfriend"

I raised my eyebrows in shock. Her diamond group boyfriend?

~A/N: This is where life becomes tricky for me, as the story is developing! You have finally met Yura, I promise more YuSoo moments because of course you need it! I have some great plans for next chapter so I'm going to start writing now, hope you enjoy, please vote and comment ^^ <3

I will update when I reach 2.3k

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