Chapter 14: The Make Over

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After a short silence, I guessed they hadn't heard me. I was completely finished with mid-term exams, so I had the next few days free. "You should go pack, we'll help you settle in later." said Yura, after sighing loudly. "Okay" I said as I proceeded towards the door.


"Unnie, why are you dating him? I would've thought he's not really--" "She must have her reasons." cut off Chaeyoung sweetly, "I was going to say, he's really too innocent to be your type" continued Nayeon rubbing her chin.

"Didn't I tell you to study? There's no point asking me questions.. You'll see soon." Yura said bluntly, making the girls throw dismal faces at her and nod slowly.

Meanwhile, Kyungsoo; outside his dorm room.

"Yugyeom-sshi!" I cried in excitement, "leave the door open."

"Ahh... where have you been today?" he asked raising his eyebrow.

"I came earlier, but it wasn't great timing. What happened with Baekhyun?" I blurted out.

Yugyeom sighed, averting his eyes on the floor. "Let's just say I had a misunderstanding." I nodded, taking his thoughts into consideration.

"Where are you going?" enquired Yugyeom now focusing on me. "I..err.. have to go stay in..the diamond elite house?" I said with a hint of confusion. I was panicking slightly, to pack as much as I could in case they came and escorted me out of here. But they didn't.

"I knew they'd do this... It's just so stupid... What am I going to do?!" gibbered Yugyeom hugging me from the side. "Haha!" I burst out. "I'll see you in Diamond group, don't worry"

I picked up my last item which was Sae Ron's shell, and kissed it. And immediately regretted it because it smelt funny. Upon leaving, Baekhyun walked in quiet as a mouse. "Where are you going?" he muttered. I was shocked he asked to be honest.

"I'm going to the diamond elite house" I said attempting a smile. "What... you mean.. oh wow" he responded slightly in awe. He patted me awkwardly and said, "Good luck"....

Back at the Diamond elite house.

"Why do I feel so hungry!? Unnie, get us some rice cakes like before. You're so greedy to finish them all by yourself" stomped Momo staring at the fridge.

I had been in the Diamond house for roughly and hour and everything seemed pretty much back to normal. But, get this... Why is a guy allowed in a girl's house. Isn't this illegal?

Besides, I don't know whether I am happy about this change. I'm much closer to Yura now that I can practically trace her every move, but a part of me is also unhappy. Is she really the one I've waited all this time for?

"Chaeyoung, show Kyungsoo his room before you go to bed. I'll be back" Yura got out of her seat and pushed Chaeyoung in my direction. "Araso!" said Chaeyoung with determination.


[A/N: I need a nickname for Kyungsoo! Like a friendly cute one for this story! Please help, comment below]

"Diamond namja, this is your room. What do you think?" Chaeyoung opened the door to a vividly spacious room. It was enormous, and it was all mine! "I love it" I said touching as much of the furniture possible. She chuckled, "Yura sometimes share's this room so, don't make a mess okay?"

Her last words bought a lump in my throat. That is not okay... I nodded, so Chaeyoung could leave.

Next morning.

Last night I must have fell asleep pretty fast, I mean why wouldn't I? Daebak! The bed was so soft and dreamy, I didn't want to get out, but those damn bells are louder here than anywhere else.

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