Chapter 6: This Doesn't Seem Quite Fair

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||First Person||Revolution||

"Gee, you wanna drive?" Mikey turns to his older brother, looking at him with tired eyes. It occurs to me then that Mikey probably didn't sleep after he made me last night and that he probably really isn't the best choice for driving a car full of people. I suddenly feel bad for him. Gerard must sense this, because he doesn't deny his brother of taking a break.

"Sure." Gerard nods and takes the car key from Mikey, turning on his heel. He heads around the car to the driver's seat and reaches in, popping the trunk open with the press of a button. Patrick, the man that had the yellow eyes and almost killed my sister, looks at the cramped space with a gaze of sadness. I study him quietly, my eyes roaming his body wrapped in filthy and bloodied up clothing. I notice then that he's missing his left hand, a grimy, rusting hook attached to what I imagine to be a stub, and I suddenly have to hold back a gag. He climbs into the trunk, laying down in the cramped compartment, and smiles at Frank weakly.

"There's a flap there that leads to the backseat. Open it when you need more air, okay?" Fun Ghoul advises him, and Patrick nods his head as Frank shuts the trunk closed. Frank turns around to me and Bomb standing there, looking at the daunting car. "You alright there?"

"As long as that shit doesn't happen again, sure." My sister tells him. Frank nods his head and smiles at us.

"Got it. He's a good man, I don't know what they did to him." Frank says before turning around and opening the back door. The back seat looks terrible, Ray having the black haired man, Pete, sitting on him, and then Joe sitting on top of Andy. The Andy man doesn't seem too fazed by the weight. Frank slips into the back and looks at the both of us. "There's the middle seat between Gee and Mikey, but one of you'll have to share with him."

"You sit in the middle seat," I tell my sister immediately. She raises her eyebrows. "You almost got killed, you deserve your own seat." Bomb lets out a laugh at that and leads the way to the passenger's side door, opening it before she climbs into the car, sitting in the area between the two front seats.

"So we're sharing then?" Mikey says, and I shrug my shoulders. He gets into the front seat and scoots to the side, letting me squish in next to him. I close the door, and that's when I realize what a tight fit this is. The trunk with the hook man seems more appealing than being squished against the door. "Here," Mikey pulls me over a bit so I'm half sitting on one of his legs and half on the chair. "Better?"

"Maybe," I shrug

"So where exactly are we going?" Bomb explodes, asking Gerard, who's starting the  engine with the twist of the key in the ignition. He glances at us before he starts to drive off, focusing on the road ahead.

"Well, first we're going to find the car they were talking about." Gerard answers her. "Then we're gonna see what's going on down there, help out."

"Is that all you do?" I ask. "Like, do you even have an actual mission?"

"Rev," Bomb hisses.

"I'm just asking." I shrug my shoulders.

"We do," Mikey tells me, looking at me(which wasn't necessarily a stretch for him because I might as well be sitting on him). "Our mission is to take down Korse and Courtney."

"And that's going well for you, isn't it?" I snap.

"What we're doing is gathering forces, getting stronger and weakening Korse." Gerard explains, his hands clutching the steering wheel tightly.

"You can't rush an entire army by yourself, Revolution." Ray says from the backseat. "It's not about the ability to shoot a gun- you've got to use your mind as well."

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