Chapter 7: These Pigs Are After Me (and You)

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||First Person||Bomb Sunshine||

I keep my eye on Revolution as we ride on the dirt roads of California, dawn not releasing sunlight yet. She's asleep on Mikey's shoulder, his blonde head rested against the window. I can't help but stay awake, unable to shake the panic I had of almost losing my sister to those disgusting souls.

I take a short glance behind us, seeing the Defenders of Faith's van trudging behind us, with a broken headlight. It's the first time I notice their license plate is from Illinois. My mind wanders to deeper thoughts, first asking if they are from the Windy City. Then, I wonder if this awful government took the boys' home the same way it took ours. I force myself to shake off those thoughts and immediately snap my attention to my sister again.

I notice Poison glancing at me through the rear view mirror, his eyes flicking to me and back to the road in a slight pattern.

"Hey," he says, catching my full attention. "She's gonna be alright."
I don't say anything. After getting to know him, I know he will sass me if I respond.

"You guys are hard-headed as fuck, but she's gonna be alright. Do you want us to camp out or something? To calm your nerves?" he offers.
"I'm fine," I mumble as I push a strand of curly hair away from Rev's face. There's silence in the car, considering Poison and I are the only ones awake for the time being.

"Look, Bomb, I know what you're dealing with," Gerard says after a moment. "I was the same way with Kobra. We only had each other and it got harder once BL/ind took over. You're doing good for a kid your age."

There is not much to say for me. Rev and I started young and we've relied on each other most of our lives. At least that's what we remember. Adrenaline has helped us forget whatever that needs to be forgotten.

"Alright Youngbloods and Killjoys! Look alive, Sunshine!" Doctor Death Defying's voice rang through the speakers. The men wake up from their light slumber, waking Rev in the process. We all listen to the announcement as Poison dials up the volume.

"The pigs are tracking you down and you've had quite a fight. Lucky for you, Doctor Death Defying found you tumbleweeds a nice rest stop. So sit tight and head North for another ten miles. It may be a little run down, but you'll always be safe with me."
"Thank fucking God," Revolution mumbles sleepily as she rubs her eye. Kobra Kid chuckles at her comment and cracks the window, letting in cool air to rid the stale air in the car.
"Once we hit this place, I say we stretch out and eat some of this food," Jet Star yawns. The car fills with different versions of agreements. Revolution sits up and stretches her arms a little.

"Feeling okay, Rev?" I ask, placing a hand on her shoulder. She glances back at me and gives a weak smile.
"Aside from hunger, I'm good," she says.
"After ten miles, the goddamn sun better be up," Mikey grumbles.
"You've got your hair for that, jackass," Gerard jokes. Everyone chuckles at his comment except a cranky Mikey Way.

Much to his appeal, the sun began to rise once we were five miles in. Neither of us bothered to ask where we were going. We were either too sleepy or too hungry to question it. The inside of the vehicle is quiet, only having the usual faint buzz of a talk show on the radio.

I decide to gaze out the window, keeping an eye out for future or unexpected attackers. Everything is deserted. Doctor Death Defying did well on finding safe grounds.

The car comes to a stop in front of an abandoned hospital. I squint at the eerie building, my insides starting to feel cold with anxiety.
"This is the place," Gerard tells us, gulping to reassure himself. "What're we waiting for?"

I reach for the handle to push the door open until I hear a loud slam and screams following. My head shoots up and I look out the window, seeing Pete, Andy, and Joe running towards the hospital. Gerard curses under his breath, but the cursing gets louder.

"Oh shit shit shit shit!" he breathes.
"Well, that's not a fucking good sign, Poison," Rev seethes. "What the hell is going on?"
"It's Patrick again," Poison tells us. "Move fast and hide."

The men leave the car and rush into the hospital. Rev starts to crawl out the car until I grab her arm. She looks back at me.
"I'm not letting him near you," I say. I keep Revolution close as we enter the eerie space. My hand rests beside my gun, ready to draw at any moment. I can't take any chances with Patrick.

His angered scream echoes as glass shatters on the floor. I hear Rev let out a small gasp of fear; I grasp her wrist reassuringly and lead her away from the sounds.

"Stay behind me," I whisper as I take us to an empty operation room. I close the door behind us, only to find that the lock no longer exists on the door.

The PA system rings to life, playing a chilling tune I am not too familiar with. Patrick's rage echoes through the halls again.

"It's Korse," a voice greets on the speaker.
"And Courtney, bitch!"
"We've got you and your misfits surrounded. Surrender now or we blow your hideout to dust!"
"Of course with the help of our dearest friend," Courtney chuckles.
"Nice business with you, Killjoys," a familiar voice hums cunningly. Doctor Death Defying. My eyes widen in shock. Revolution gawks at me, both of us unsure how to reel this news in.

"We're giving you the count of ten to give up now or take your graves right where you stand," Courtney says. "Give up or be crushed. Starting now."
"One," Korse tones.

An explosion rumbles the building, creating a cloud of dust in our current room. Hectic footsteps echo from outside the door. I grab Rev's hand and rush out the door, trying to find Gerard or Mikey.

"Stay close," I warn Revolution.
"Two..." Courtney vexes. Fuck. Another wave of turbulence shakes the frame of the worn hospital. Glowing eyes shine through the dust. They lock on us. Footsteps fade and all I can hear is my heart racing in my ears, blood sloshing and pumping in my head.

"You are against us," Patrick growls. "YOU ARE AGAINST US."

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