Chapter 9: What Will Save Us?

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|| First Person|| Bomb Sunshine||

After many years of combat, Rev and I are used to hearing bullets being fired, some hitting and rattling walls and doors. To us, it's white noise. I catch myself drifting to sleep before I'm gone. I snap my eyes open and they instantly dart to my injured sister. Her eyes are drooping, but I shake her the slightest. It's enough to wake her up, gentle enough to not hurt her.

"Stay up," I demand. Rev blinks up at me with a paling, dirty face. It's the most innocent she's ever looked as far as I can remember.
"You're falling asleep too," she almost whimpers. I can only give her a weak smile.
"Yeah," I mumble. "Withdrawals do that to you."

I pat my left pocket, finding it flat and empty, then my right. It carries the same fate. Panic rises in my chest as my eyes widen. This couldn't be happening. Now here. Not now. I frantically check any other spaces I could have possibly put the small container in. Nothing.

"Shit, shit, shit, fucking shit," I hiss. Revolution looks up at me.
"What?" she asks. She's too drained to give her usual, snarky remarks. Her brain probably won't allow her. I look down at her, my eyes probably wild and full of fear.

"I lost our adrenaline," I confess.
"Bomb, how the fuck—" she winces at the pain in her side, a whimper escaping her. I try to hush her as I still search for the small box of Adrenaline. There is no sign of the substance.

My heartbeat pounds in my head, the sound almost flooding my ears. I fail to suppress a whimper of terror as I frantically search for the needed drug. My vision blur and my mind takes me somewhere unknown and dark. Two dead bodies are on the floor, blood draining from them. The male figure has a bullet in his forehead while the woman figure beside him has a knife jammed into her stomach.

"I CAN'T FIND IT," I scream. I'm a shaking mess, needing the image to go away. Every fiber in my body is vibrating in the most uncomfortable way possible. A hand falls on my shoulder; it startles me.

"I didn't do it," I choke out. "I don't know what's going on! I didn't do it!"
"Bomb, it's me," a familiar voice says. I squint past my hot tears, barely making out the blonde man. Kobra Kid. He helps me up and scoops Revolution up in his arms. "What the hell is wrong with you?"
"N-Nothing," I lie. I jog by his side to keep up with him and my sister. My entire body still quakes and my limbs begin to wear down on me. Mikey glances back at me and notices.

"Hurley! A little help?" Mikey sasses a little. I hadn't noticed until Andy had picked me up that he was in tow of Mikey. My eyelids feel heavy and I just want to sleep, but I have to make sure Rev is okay.

The van is parked in the front of the hospital that is now in ruins. We all pile in, discovering Gerard at the wheel.

"Just to fill you in," Gerard says as the door slams and he drives off, "everyone is dead and we're on our way to the hospital."
"T-That's... dangerous," I force out of my raw throat and drying mouth. "Where's the adrenaline?"
"Junkies," he smirks as he shakes his head. "I almost forgot what they were like."
"Shut up and give us the adrenaline!" I demand. I notice Patrick flinch a little at my bite, his blue eyes widened with fear. Frank passes a cigarette box back to us with a bottle of water. My shaky hands open the cardboard item, revealing the drug in pill form. I sigh in relief and pop out two pills, giving one to my sister.

The images in my head begin to dissolve once the pill rests on my tongue.

"What hospital are you going to, Gee?" Mikey asks as he applied pressure on my sister's wound. Revolution reaches out to me; I grab her hand and give it a gentle squeeze.

"It's a little risky, but we have no other option," he huffs before turning a corner. "We're going to Battery City."
"BATTERY CITY?!!" Everyone in the van scolds. We all erupt into arguments against the idea.

"What the fuck were you thinking, Gerard!" I seethe.
"The zone we were in was closer to that city! I'm sorry," he stresses. "Make up your names while you've got the time!"
"Or you can take us to a different hospital, goddamn it," I order.
"It won't make a difference what hospital we go to! We all have to make up names for our own safety. Now, I was thinking you look a lot like a Rachel."

I roll my eyes at the redhead and sit down next to my sister.
"Bomb, I don't want to die yet," Rev whimpers.
"You won't," Mikey says sternly. "Quit saying that!"
"If it does happen, we blame fucking Gerard and his genius plan," I banter. Rev chuckles weakly and I push her hair away from her face.

"I hope you two have some names because we're here," Gerard calls from the front. The van comes to a stop and Mikey picks my sister up. I finally have the strength in my limbs to run after them. Mikey passes my sister to the nearest doctor; the nurses crowd around us, concern coating their clean faces as they study our dirtied, bloody ones.

"Stab wound to the side due to glass and a gunshot wound to the right shoulder," Mikey rambles off.
"What's your name, sweetheart?" A nurse asks as I chase the group of medical professionals.
"R-Rachel," Rev stammers through pain. "M-My s-s-sister..."
"I'm right here, Rach," I say, grasping her hand.
"Your name?" the doctor asks me. I almost choke, but spit out the first name that comes to mind.
"Candice," I say.
"Are you hurt, Candice?" he asks. I hadn't had time to ask myself such a question. Nothing hurts and I can't tell if I'm just used to the pain or if the adrenaline had already numbed it.

"Yes," is the first thing that spills from my mouth. I quickly realize what I have done and improvise. I clutch onto my rib, which probably is broken, and wince in what could be mistaken as pain. A nurse separates me and my sister, and panic rises in my chest. I'm taken to another room with a female doctor, but I try to run free from the room to find my sister.

"Your sister is going to be fine, Candice," the doctor says. "I need to take some X-rays of you to make sure if you do have a broken rib."
"I want to see my sister," I demand, but my voice wavers due to anxiety.

"Who brought you here, Candice?" the doctor asks as she uses a bizarre object to scan my body. I try to wiggle free from her grasp.
"Why does that matter?" I argue.
"It might tell me where you got these cuts and bruises from," she says. The item beeps as she completes the scan. She looks at a computer screen, her eyes soon widening at what it holds.

"Three broken ribs, a fractured ankle, and a concussion," she lists. I blow a sigh, not caring about my injuries. I never did care much about my injuries. All that mattered was that Rev and I were alive and never captured.

The doctor studies me, cocking her head to the side in thought. My heart rate picks up and I am suddenly grateful that she had not hooked the heart monitor up on me. My face hides my fear.

"I'll make sure you are treated well, Candice," she says before exiting the room. Her last words leave me on edge.

She probably knows.

Adrenaline Sisters// fall out boy & my chemical romanceOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant