Chapter 8: The Person That You'd Take A Bullet For

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||First Person||Revolution||

Patrick lets out an animalistic roar as his bright yellow eyes narrow in and glare at us violently from across the hall. My heart hammers in my chest at the sight of the nice Patrick I met hours earlier looking at me with less than kind intentions. Bomb yanks my wrist quickly, mumbling something urgent in my ear that I barely hear over the sounds of drywall crumbling to the ground. "What?" I exclaim over the noise.

"We have to go!" She demands, and that's when I realize that this whole time, I've been frozen in place due to fear and terror. I look over at her with wide eyes, but I don't get the chance to reply because suddenly Patrick is charging at us and I decide that there's no time to speak. Holding hands, my sister and I take off down the hall, banging our fists against doors and jiggling knobs in an attempt to find a place to get away from the crazy hook man trailing after us. Lights flicker above us quickly before suddenly the bulb is shattering with a loud pop and sparks shower over us. The shards of glass fall violently from the ceiling and sting our skin as the pieces find their way into our flesh. "Hurry the hell up, Rev!" Bomb screams at me over the noise.

I wince in pain and brush the glass off of my shoulders, feeling the prick of shards on my fingers. I hurry after my older sister, trying my absolute best to catch up with her incredibly fast pace. She always has been faster than me, mostly because she used to play a lot of sports when she was younger. I never got the opportunity to have a semblance of a real childhood.

"Bomb!" I yell after her, glancing warily behind us as Patrick, glowing yellow eyes and hook on his hand, staggers after us. I reach out and grab the coat rack at the side of the corridor, shoving it with all of the strength I can muster in his direction. The cart rams Patrick to the ground, earning a shout of anger from him. Bomb grabs my hand again and yanks me after her, the both of us disappearing down the hall in an attempt to lose Patrick in the building. As we're running, a chunk of drywall falls from the ceiling and narrowly misses Bomb's sprinting form, scaring the shit out of me. She continues running though with me at her heels, leading the both of us through the winding halls to find any sort of temporary safety.

"Rev, hurry up!" Bomb hisses, skidding to a halt when she notices how far I've started lagging behind her. She takes a step towards me, studying me worriedly for any signs that I'm terribly hurt. "Rev?" A sharp pain erupts in my side the second I try to move, eliciting a sharp wince from my mouth. I glance down at my side and find a tear in my shirt, a shard sticking out of my waist. Bomb notices as well, taking the steps needed to close the space between us. She crouches down and inspects the damage inflicted on me after those lights shattered over us. I glance worriedly behind me, finding no sign of Patrick coming. Bomb pinches the piece of glass between her fingers and tugs on it lightly, earning a painful gasp from me. I squeeze my eyes shut and clench my fists together as she carefully works on getting the glass out of my side. She tugs it out finally, tossing the bloody shard aside before standing up straight again. She tosses her arm over my shoulder and I toss mine over hers, the both of us jogging down the hall at an even pace. The lights flicker above us and sparks pop from bulbs hanging out of their sockets while a deep rumble sounds from the other rooms of the hospital.

"Had enough, Rebels?" I hear Courtney cackle over the speakers. Bomb's eyebrows furrow in anger as the blonde woman screeches over the PA system. "Hurry up and make your decision."

"How the hell do you expect us to do that?" I hear a faint shout from somewhere in the building. It must be Gerard.

"Listen closely, Killjoys. Either you surrender where you stand or perish like cowards." Doctor Death Defy's familiar voice crackles over the intercom. I continue to hobble my way down the hall with my sister, blood seeping into my shirt and staining it red. I grip her sleeve in my hand tightly and attempt to ignore the stinging in my side.

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