Chapter 48: As Soon As I Get My Gun

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||First Person||Revolution||

"It's been so long since I last went on a Run," my sister sighs wistfully as she grips my hand in hers tightly.

She looks as healthy as she could be in our situation— food is at a minimum and we're all getting thinner than usual. Because of our location to keep the baby and her mother safe, we rarely come across Dracs and Silencers and barely get our hands on many carbons. With that problem comes the fact that even if we had a lot of money, where would we buy it? Rebel-run shops are low on stock, leaving the Battery City stores in Zone 1 (which are a big no-no). Things are tougher now, more than ever, but we have the nasty Power Pup shit and water to keep us alive. Party Poison is tearing his hair out of his head with stress, trying to find out a way to make sure everyone is eating enough.

A small smile is playing on her lips as her fleeting gaze flickers between me and her little baby girl cradled in Mikey's arms. My sister gave birth to Joan Stump in that dingy, rebel clinic we had barely got to in time a little over a month ago. At eighteen years old, she is now a parent while also trying to protect me and herself from the overly corrupt government. She's become consumed with issues more suitable of her now limited time than my sour, depleting mood— she's constantly worrying about her baby not getting enough food or the colicky child acting too fussy. Party Poison, though he has never had a child on his own part, got a lot of pointers from a really sweet old lady back at the clinic who supplied us with tools that we would need to use to keep the devil spawn happy and healthy. In total, it's been the longest time since I received any sort of scolding for my behaviour because nobody simply has the time to. I can't recall the last time someone asked me how I was.

"Well now it's your turn to go out and feel the wind in your hair," I chuckle halfheartedly, gripping her hand a little bit tighter to show emphasis. "Have a great time, don't die, the usual," I smirk at her, though I can't help the tightening in my stomach when I think about being all alone. Nothing good seems to happen.

"Make sure you feed Jo the bottle, okay? And burp her before she falls asleep," Bomb lists off nervously as she lets go of my hand and turns around, her fingers wrapping around her masquerade mask and scooping up her killjoy bandana. My sister fastens the mask over her eyes and ties the scarf around the lower portion of her face easily. Bomb picks up her red ray gun, her gaze sweeping over the intricate designs she added as the months passed, before she slides the weapon into her holster at her leg.

"I got it," I tell her as she comes back to me, a smile still teasing her lips. Her fingers rest on my neck as she brings me forward, pressing a quick kiss to my forehead before she moves on to her daughter. Jo-Jo is bundled up in a blanket in Kobra's arms, the tall boy gazing down at the quiet baby with a glint of happiness in his eyes. Joan looks up at Kobra and makes a grabby motion for his sunglasses, earning a laugh from him as he catches her hand in his. My sister leans forward, pressing a kiss to her baby's face before pulling away.

"Take care," Bomb smiles at me before she turns around and heads down the hall to the door, her steps bouncy and filled with excitement as Frank pulls the door open and ushers her out. Fun Ghoul turns around to glance back at me and Mikey, a smile on his face as he waves his hand. I turn around to face Mikey, holding my arms out expectantly for my niece.

"What?" Kobra raises his eyebrows.

"Gimme Jo-Jo," I tell him, earning a small laugh from him.

"I'm going to need a kiss first," Kobra hums in amusement, "and maybe a please?" He adds. I roll my eyes but nevertheless place my hands on his shoulders and pull myself up onto my tiptoes, planting a light kiss to his lips. I go to pull away after a short second but his mouth follows me and refuses to part ways with my own. I laugh against his lips and reach up, running my hand through his lengthy, bleached hair for a moment. His lips part against mine as I continue to brush his hair back into place, our mouths moving in sync. Our moment is interrupted by Joan, who lets out a garbled cry before she starts to wail. We break apart, Mikey looking terrified and startled, to which he slowly transfers the crying baby to my arms. I smile up at him and nudge him lightly with the toe of my sneakers.

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