Chapter 25: I'm Not Just Drunk

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|| First Person || Bomb Sunshine ||

"So, you've never been to a party before?" Andy inquires before opening the car door and entering the driver's seat.
"No," I answer the ginger. Andy chuckles as he leaves the door open for a little while.
"Well, have fun," he smiles. "We all need it, really."

I can't muster up a response to it because I'm not familiar with the feeling of enjoyment. All I really knew was aggression and slight hysteria. It was all powered by Adrenaline. I give Andy a small smile before traveling to the back of the van to join Mikey, Rev, and Patrick.

I sit in the vehicle and wait for the journey to this said nightclub. I notice my sister resting her head on Kobra's leathered shoulder. She looks tired and aged twice as more than her actual years living. I want to apologize for putting her through this hell— for putting us through this hell. We had no other choice. We had to run. I just wish it didn't take a toll on her as much as it did me.

Patrick's hand brushes against mine, pulling me out of my thoughts. I look up at him and my eyes start to burn the slightest as tears blur my sight. I quickly swipe at the tears with my free hand.

"Everything okay?" he mumbles worriedly.
"I'm fine," I lie. Patrick wraps his fingers around my hand, giving it a gentle squeeze.
"It's not your fault," he says, almost as if he knew what I was thinking. For once, the coincidence doesn't scare me or earn a wary look. The blonde boy tugs me closer to him, allowing me to rest my head on his shoulder.

As the deserts fade behind us, I almost consider sleeping on Patrick's shoulder. I try to focus on the small sounds to keep me awake. The slight buzz of the radio doesn't snag my attention. It's another talk show probably created by the Silence. Andy and Pete carry a conversation in the front. Andy is trying to talk Pete Wentz out of his plan, but the black-haired man doesn't back down from it. Patrick's form shifts the slightest beside me, a gentle sigh escaping him. I look over at him, finding him taking the route I decided not to follow.

"Sorry," he whispers to me and I know he's only in a light sleep. I brush off Patrick's action, knowing he really didn't mean to cause trouble. The van comes to a halt in front of another worn building. I take the advantage to make my way towards the door and wrap my hand around the handle.

I hear Andy and Pete exit the driver and passenger seats, validating that this place is Hyper-Thrust. I look over towards Revolution, but find her busy with trying to punch Mikey as he has her slumped over his shoulder. He laughs at the girl and stalks towards the club, catching up with his brother.

"You can stick with me, if you want," Patrick says behind me. The two of us catch up with the rest of the Killjoys and Defenders. "I mean, only if you want to. I've been to this place about once or twice."
"I don't plan on getting drunk," I smirk as I shove my hands in my pockets.
"Neither do I, honestly," Patrick chuckles. We all enter the nightclub, being welcomed with loud music, flashing, colorful lights, and the strange aroma of what I assume to be alcohol. Patrick leads me to the counter set aside from the dancing rebels.

"It's a little more quieter here," he says. He still has to raise his voice over the noise, but probably not as much as he would have to if we were with the crowd. He tells the person behind the counter that he wants a beer and the man gives him a brown glass bottle with probably just that, the top already removed.

"Beer?" I ask over the noise, watching Patrick take a sip.
"Yeah," he answers with half of a smile. "Never seen it?"
"Never knew what was inside those brown bottles," I inform him. Patrick giggles at my response. "Just thought to stay away from it, just in case."
"Do you want to..." Patrick trails off, holding out the bottle towards me. "I'm not really on board for underage drinking, but... I guess it wouldn't hurt to try some, right?"
"How old were you when you first tried beer?" I inquire. Patrick puckers his lips in the way he always does when he is in deep thought.

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