Chapter 27: My Mind is a Safe

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|| First Person || Bomb Sunshine ||

I wince at the evolving  discomfort in my forehead and behind my eyes. My mouth has a strange aftertaste that makes me cringe the slightest as I force my eyes open. The van is quiet as it runs along the California deserts. I spot Rev and Mikey before me, the two of the leaning against each other as they sleep. Pete's snores sound from the front as Andy drives in silence.

"Morning, sleepy," a voice rasps above me. I force myself to turn towards the sound, meeting eyes with a groggy Patrick Stump. I give him a lazy smile, trying to ignore the migraine in my head. Memories begin to surface and I remember last night. The drinks at Hyper-Thrust, me dancing with the former singer. I remember the kiss. My stomach feels strange, but I enjoy the feeling.

"Morning?" I rasp with a whisper.
"Yeah," the blonde boy chuckles. "How's your head?"
"Hurts," I answer shortly, a smirk toying at my lips. I sit up, my vision swaying the image of the van side to side. A whimper gets stuck in my throat as I try to balance myself in the seated position, but Patrick guides me to lean my back against the car's wall.

"Booze does the opposite of that drug of yours," he comments, trying not to laugh at me. He opens a small, white bottle and places two blue pills in my hand. "Advil. For that headache of yours."
"Thanks," I chuckle before tossing the medicine in my mouth. I down the capsules with a gulp of water from my water bottle. Patrick wraps his arm around my shoulders, taking me into a comfortable embrace. I almost drift back to sleep on his shoulder, but fight against the slumber.

"Last night was really fun," he says after a moment.
"Yeah," I chuckle, remembering the dancing. I remember the way his soft lips felt against mine. I purse my lips and fight against the blush that wants to claim my face.
"A-About what happened..." Patrick trails off. I look up at him, his blue eyes coated with worry. "You remember what happened, right?"
"Yeah." I nod.
"It wasn't— you know— a mistake, right?" he asks. "I-I mean, even if it was, it's okay. I enjoyed it a lot. In fact, it was great. I-I—"
"I meant it," I interrupt. A smile claims my face as I caress his face for a moment. "I liked it a lot."

Patrick's cheeks become a shade of red as he gives a gentle smile. I take the moment to plant a quick peck on his lips. He tucks a strand of my hair behind my ear.

"So, what next?" he whispers. I shrug and rest my head on his shoulder again.
"Thanks for the suspicion," Patrick sasses.
"Oh, please," I scoff playfully.

Revolution stirs before waking. She studies me for a moment as she develops her consciousness from her slumber.

"Hey, kiddo," I greet gently, nudging her foot with the toe of my tearing shoe.
"You're awfully close to that living hazard," she comments. Patrick retracts his arm from my frame, distancing himself from me. Where his warm body once was is now a cold space.

"Rev, he's on our side," I hiss. She shrugs nonchalantly.
"It's fine," Patrick says weakly. I notice the small break in his voice and he quickly clears his throat. "Really. It's fine."
"You better not touch my sister," Revolution snarls. "I will beat you down for it."
"Nova," I press, narrowing my eyes at her. I use her name to let her know I mean business. "Shut up. Patrick hasn't done anything—"
"Do you not remember the hospital incident?" Rev mentions, her question being rhetorical. "He could have killed you, Bomb! He killed—"
"Nova. Shut up," I growl.
"It's fine, Bomb," Patrick tries to justify. He gives me a weak smile that instantly falters. "I oughta... check on Pete. I heard he was wasted last night."

Patrick pushes himself up and makes his way to the front of the van where Andy and Pete are. I watch him sit in the seat behind the two boys as he tries to start small talk between them to distract himself from the subject my sister had brought up. I groan and turn my attention to Revolution again.

Adrenaline Sisters// fall out boy & my chemical romanceDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora