Chapter 20: I See You Lying Next To Me

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||First Person|| Revolution||

"Oh my God," I let out a soft breath of air as I survey the bedroom I've entered, taking in every single detail of what may have been part of my past life. To say that it wasn't childish in a sense would be a major lie, especially when the walls are painted a light pink colour and covered in posters of some girl wearing an extremely obvious blond wig with a glittery microphone in hand. The bottom of some of the posters have glittery words that read Hannah Montana.

"This is rich," Kobra chuckles from behind me as he steps around me and walks to the center of the bedroom. "Hannah Montana?" He teases lightly as he gestures up to the poster. He spins around on his heel and barks out another laugh, pointing at a poster with six teenagers jumping. "High School Musical?"

"Shut up, Kobra," I grumble, looking around shortly. I sit down on the unmade bed, running my hands along the seams of the floral print duvet. "I was nine, I think." I study the room, finding an unkempt dresser with clothing spilling out of it. Instinctively, I almost go to raid it before I remember that I probably couldn't fit into anything my nine year old form did.

"What's this?" Kobra crouches down by a table and peers underneath it, running a biker gloved hand through his bleached hair. I don't answer his rhetorical question because I wouldn't remember. "Oh, man," Kobra lets out a chortle as he pulls out a chest. I stand up upon seeing it, my interest being captured immediately. I sit down on the floral printed rug next to Mikey, waiting for him to open up the chest. He looks at me with a ghost of a smile that I let slide before he pushes the lid up and reveals the contents of what seems to be a toy box. Mikey reaches in and pulls out what seems to be a doll. "Barbie?" He looks at me with wide eyes. I raise an eyebrow and reach into the box, rummaging through all of the toys before pulling out another girl doll.

"I guess?" I laugh lightly.

"I never pegged you for that sort of thing," Kobra notes, nudging me gently with his elbow.

"Oh, no," I say very seriously. "I'd drag these through the mud and yank—" I tighten my grasp around the Barbie doll's head before I tug harshly, popping the plastic head off of the bulbous neck "—their heads off." I gingerly toss the doll's head at Mikey, making him instinctively go to cover his face.

"See, that sounds more like you." Mikey agrees, chuckling lightly.

"I mean, I'd assume." I finally say, chewing on my bottom lip lightly. "I can't remember."

"Well, judging by how loose—" Kobra easily pops the head off of the doll "—this is, you probably did it a lot." I know that he's trying to make me feel better, so for his sake, I let out a light giggle. "Nova Carter, professional destroyer."

"Don't you mean Destroya?" I chuckle lightly, referring to the myth that some giant robot in the outskirts of the Zones was going to save the world and destroy Better Living and the Silence and free all of the slaves of the corporations.  It was all crazy talk, some things Bomb and I overheard when we were trying to find our way out of Battery City back before the Happy Pills were being issued to every single citizen.

Mikey smiles softly at me, and I return the gesture for who knows how long. We sit there, decapitated Barbie dolls in our hands, staring deep into each other's eyes in the silence of my past.

"Yo, Moikay!" I hear someone shouting from outside of the room. "Come check this out!" Our small moment of pleasantness is interrupted then, and Kobra must suddenly remember that we're supposed to be at each other's necks with venom because he quickly gets to his feet, his hands trembling as he adjusts his red leather jacket. When Frank made me wear one of Kobra's jackets this morning, I traded in the red jacket for the black. Mikey didn't seem to mind to get his trademark leather jacket back, he just seemed more relieved that I actually agreed to taking one.

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