Chapter 14: For All The Ghosts That Are Never Gonna Catch Me

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||First Person||Revolution||

"Rev!" Mikey had shouted at me, and that's when I realized that I've completely choked up. I ducked my head back into the car as a few beams were shot our way, but Mikey dodged them like a pro and kept firing back. "I need you!"

"I can't do it, Kobra," I had stood back up, balancing my feet on the passenger's seat of the car. I held out the gun that he had passed to me when I initially dived into the vehicle and rested my fingers on the trigger, but I couldn't pull it. "I can't do it!" I screamed at him.

"You have to," Kobra shouted at me as he aimed at a car filled with Silencers. Some of them were hanging out of the window of the car and firing rapidly at is, anger taking over their expressions. I ducked and covered as another beam was shot our way. "You need to!" I saw Party Poison standing up out of the sun roof as well with Fun Ghoul shooting out the window at the enemies with Jet Star at the wheel, the trio fighting back profusely. The black van that the Defenders of the Faith came in was trailing slightly ahead of our car, but I could see Andy and Pete firing back at the S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W/S without a second thought. My inability to injure or possibly kill another person was frustrating Mikey. I noticed a particular vehicle filled with Dracs racing by us, and when they slammed into our car the first time, I lost my balance and smacked myself in the face with my gun. I climbed back up the seat and tried to blow out the wheels of the car, but another hard jolt sent our car flying. It flipped over and over again, and I felt my breath being knocked out of my chest as I wad sent flying out of the car at top speed. My eyes slammed shut just as I saw the car rolling down the hill and crashing violently, and it felt like an eternity before my body collided with the ground. That's what I remember, at least.

I can't feel my limbs. I can hear the cars coming to a screeching halt, and I can hear the high pitched pew of the deadly beams being fired by both the opposition and the government. I can't feel anything when my eyes open. My eyes focus on the pavement beneath my body and I trace the cracks in the sidewalk for a few seconds. Then the pain sets in as the initial shock gives away to the rest of my senses. I can suddenly feel the hard ground beneath my aching and smarting form, and I feel something poking into my ribs. I suck in a deep breath for air and try to defy the pain and get to my knees, but I feel like vomiting when I do. "Kobra!" I croak out, trying to find the blonde boy that I flew out of the Trans Am with. A couple of feet away from me lays his still form, and I make it my personal mission to drag myself towards his body. I crawl down the sidewalk until I'm right next to him, grimacing because of how much pain is engulfing me. His face is paler than it usually is, and his blonde hair is falling over his face messily. A bloody gash is on his forehead, the thick liquid protruding from it and trailing down his cheeks. I cup his cheeks in my hands as I try to stir him. "Kobra," I repeat, and though my body feels broken beyond belief, I have to make sure he's okay. He doesn't move, and for a moment, I think that he's just messing with me, but when my shaking hands press around his neck frantically to locate his pulse and I can't find anything, I'm panicking. "Kobra!" I scream at him, my voice breaking as I try to get him to wake up. I brush his hair back from his forehead with trembling hands. "Kobra, Kobra, Kobra!" I can't lose him, no, not like this. Not when I finally managed to get out of that cell— not after I suffered to protect him especially. "Wake up!" I shriek.

"Kobra!" I hear Gerard scream, but I don't turn back to look at him and focus on Mikey. He's dressed in his black skinny jeans and that yellow muscle shirt with black patches patterning the material, but instead of the red leather jacket, he's in a black one. I'm wearing the red one. "Kobra," Gerard skids to a halt next to me and crouches over the body of his brother, and I notice tears in his eyes.

"Rev!" I hear Bomb's voice calling from somewhere behind me, and then she's dropping to her knees next to me and Poison. "Rev, what's happening?"

"He's not waking up, Bomb," I wipe my face and inhale sharply, hiccuping. I don't even register the sobs consuming my very being as I cling to Kobra's limp body. To think just minutes ago we were bickering over my inability to shoot and protect him when it counts makes me feel more nauseous than I already am. "He has to wake up!" Gerard makes a choked noise in the back of his throat, and I glance behind us to see that Jet Star's Trans Am, the wrecked car, and the Defenders' van create a barricade that defends us from the burning beams. Patrick has a gun and is firing crazily with his only hand, the hooked one dangling by his side. Jet Star is ducking behind his Trans Am and firing every so often side by side with Fun Ghoul, taking over the job for Mikey and Gerard. Pete and Andy are trying to take care of their load, and though it's five active shooters against who knows how many of Battery City's minions are behind our blockade.

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