Chapter 30: How Can You Listen All Night Long?

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||First Person||Revolution||

"Are you cold?" I hear Andy ask as he crouches next to me, a blanket in hand. I study the faded material that I wish could potentially do something about this insistent trembling of my limbs, but I know that it won't. Andy doesn't wait for my response though, reaching over and wrapping the blanket around my shoulders. My shaking fingers tighten around the fabric as I pull it closer to my body, shooting a grimace to express my gratitude at the bearded man. He smiles softly at me before turning to look back at the crackling fire in front of us. I close my eyes for a moment and gulp, trying to clear my mind of all negative thoughts. I try to forget about all of the events of today, starting with me pummeling my fists in my sister's face and ending with Patrick almost going into a full on trance less than an hour ago. I reopen my eyes and search the camp for Bomb, finding her with Patrick's head in her lap. I knew she felt things for that guy the second I saw how kindly she's taken to him after he tried killing her now almost three times. I don't get why she's so hellbent on protecting him, more so the stupid folder that started our fight this afternoon. I cringe outwardly and shiver. "You're a character," Andy muses as he scratches his beard, his gaze dancing between me, the contained bonfire, and my sister and his best friend. I turn my head to look at the older boy, curiosity consuming me. "One second you're out for the kill—" I flinch at his choice of words, but he doesn't notice "— and the next you're... passive?" Andy looks at me as if I would tell him whether or not the term was suitable or not, but I avoid looking up. "I'm just saying, everyone is concerned about you, Rev. Everyone," Andy smiles softly before he reaches out and ruffles my hair. A ghost of a smile threatens to twitch on my face as I try to swerve away from his hand. I lose my balance and fall backwards against a certain blonde haired boy. He seems startled as he looks down at me, accidentally resting my head in his lap. His eyes widen in surprise just before Andy helps me sit back up.

"You doin' alright there?" Kobra finally chuckles, but the humour he's attempting to convey doesn't reach his eyes. I nod my head and bite my lip, turning away from him so I can get lost in the flames before me. I feel like I want to sleep, but the idea of being vulnerable all over again today makes me feel sick.

"What are we even doing?" I hear a voice ask, realizing that it belongs to none other than Pete Wentz. I look over at the tanned skin boy and witness the worn down look on his face as he looks expectantly at everyone around the campfire.

"Excuse me?" Jet asks, genuinely confused as to what Pete's referring to.

"Pete's right," I hear Andy say. "We're just going to keep running?"

"I mean, that's our only choice, isn't it?" Bomb asks curiously, looking over at the boy on my right. "We fight and try not to get caught, y'know?"

"For how long?" Pete asks, his voice strange. "Until we die?" I look over at Kobra, finding the skinny boy looking down at his hands that are fidgeting over his bright Good Luck helmet. His fingers brush against the object continuously, as of he's trying to absorb some sort of strength from the item. I resist the urge to reach out and grab the hands scrubbing for purchase against the polished helmet and keep them in my tight and sure grasp.

"Joe," Fun Ghoul announces, looking over at Pete. "You're forgetting about Joe and his daughter."

"Joe?" Bomb questions ponderously, her eyes narrowing at Frank. "He had a daughter?" I glance over at Kobra and see his jaw automatically clench at the thought as he looks up, staring past everyone and out into the vastness of the desert. I can't help but stare at the blonde boy for a moment and the pain that's obviously consuming him. I raise my eyebrows at him and hope vaguely that he'd turn to look at me, but his attention is somewhere distant and far away, sort of like me when Jet carried me back to the car after I almost got virtually murdered.

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