Chapter 21: Burning Bridges

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|| First Person || Bomb Sunshine ||

Revolution's door is open. The flames close it off and I instantly worry for my sister, hoping she is okay and away from the smoke. Coughing grabs my attention, making me whirl my head towards the door of my former room.

I run to the space, the smoke polluting my lungs. My respiratory system tries to clear the dark substance with coughs. I fumble for the pack of Adrenaline in my pocket and take a pill before finding Patrick by the window. He bangs on the glass with the little might he can muster through violent coughs and wheezes.

"H-Help," he barely rasps. I crawl to the window and try my best to open it. The small portal is jammed due to rust and many years of it not being in use.

"Stay low," I cough out to Patrick. He coughs into his arm, his asthma getting the better of him. I curse under my breath and try my best to smash the window, but my body is too weak. The Adrenaline hasn't kicked in yet. I fall next to Patrick, his coughs and wheeze stopped.

"Patrick!" I call out over the crackling flames. My strength peeks and I feel a little more alive again. I pick Patrick up, my arms hooked under his, and drag him out the room. Sweat begins to fall down my face as the heat grows. I almost pray for Patrick to wake up from his unconscious state, but I can't bring myself to leave him in this burning building. I carry his limp body down the stairs, hoping to find an escape route.

I stumble into the kitchen space, lying Patrick down on the tile before going to the cabinets under the sink, hoping for a fire extinguisher. As soon as my eyes find the red, metal cylinder, coughs sound behind me. A sigh of relief tries to escape from my lips, but the smoke makes it into a small coughing fit.

"Come on, Patrick," I demand as I take the fire extinguisher. Once I sit up, Patrick tackles me down. A chunk of the ceiling that was once above me collapses behind Patrick as it burns. We scramble to our feet and I lead him to the front door, fire retardant foam spewing from the nozzle of the red container I carry. I kick the door down and push Patrick out in front of me, letting him escape. We run a distance away from the engulfed house until Patrick falls to his knees, a spell of coughs consuming him.

I examine around me, counting heads for a moment. I spot Rev with Mikey, his arms wrapped around her as she deals with her asthma symptoms. The Killjoys and the Defenders are out alive too. I want to be relieved, but anger surfaces as I face the only five that were located where the fire had started.

"Which one of you assholes decided to smoke?" I snarl through a raspy voice contaminated with the smoke and ash I had inhaled while leading Patrick out. Gerard steps out of the small group.
"We oughta find a new site," he says to me. "We'll deal with it when we get there."
"Fine," I growl, glaring at the group. I return to Patrick and help him to his feet, assisting him to the van. Once we sit, Mikey enters with Rev in his arms.

"No inhalers?" I ask towards Andy and Pete.
"I-I saw one... i-in the kit," Patrick coughs. "Give it to Rev."
"I found one downstairs," Mikey says, pulling the medical pump out of his pocket and handing it to my sister. I nod and grab the First Aid kit from Patrick, searching for the inhaler. My hand wraps around the plastic antihistamine container and I pass it to Patrick. He gives the small item a shake before inhaling the medication with an inject of it. It takes him a moment to regain his breath before he passes the inhaler to me.

"Keep it," I tell him. "You might need it for later."
"Hopefully not another fire," he mumbles, his voice barely there due to his previous coughing spasms. I look over at Rev, raising my eyebrows at her to silently ask if she was doing okay. She nods and rests her head on Kobra's ash-coated shoulder.

The van stops and we all exit to our new camp site for the night. I can't tell what Zone it is anymore. They're all starting to blur together and look the same. I go to follow my sister out until Patrick grabs onto my hand. I look back at him, waiting for what he wanted.

"Can we talk for a second?" he asks gently. I give a small nod and he leads me behind the van. "First of all, thank you for saving me."
"I wasn't going to let you die in there," I smirk before shoving my hands in my pockets. My hand wraps around the container of Adrenaline. I gaze into Patrick's blue eyes, knowing what he wants from me. I can't give it up that easily, but I let him put his trust in me. For some reason, I can't lie to him. I can't bring myself to let him down.

He extends his hand towards me expectantly. I chew on my lip and study his palm covered in the blood of probably his own and maybe others. It wouldn't matter with the dirt covering the pale limb.

"I know you couldn't have done that on your own," Patrick says. I open my mouth to try to argue, but he quickly interrupts. "I don't underestimate you one bit, Bomb. Don't get me wrong. I know you took Adrenaline."
"Your ass would've been dead if I didn't take it," I glare at the blonde boy. "This was a case in which I needed it."
"I really am grateful for that," Patrick smiles weakly. "Think of it this way: I'm saving your life too."
"Don't tell Poison," I huff as I take the container out. I place the Adrenaline in Patrick's palm and he instantly pockets it.
"I won't rat you out," he says. Patrick tucks my hair behind my ear, then lets his hand fall to my shoulder with a gentle rub. I notice Patrick's cheeks redden the slightest before he walks away. My heart feels weird as I watch him join the rest of the allies my sister and I have formed. A warm feeling where his hand once was on my shoulder lingers. I shake the feeling off and follow him, burying my hands in my pockets again.

My mind wanders back to the house, remembering the contents that created a space that was once my room. I remember how everything Rev and I could possibly regain is now becoming wasted ash. Anger boils in me again.

"So, how did the fire start?" I ask to the entire group.
"A little, angsty idiot decided it was smart to set something on fire," Gerard seethes as he glares at Pete. My eyes widen at the black-haired man.
"What did you burn? What got you to do such a stupid thing, Pete?" I interrogate.
"There was a case of Adrenaline," he mumbles as he looks up at me. "I was mad."
"You were mad? As in pissed off or fucking batshit crazy?"
"Do you know what it's like to be betrayed by your own girlfriend who works with The Silence? And being on the run while your best friend was turned into a monster to kill you?"

I notice Patrick shift uncomfortably at Pete's words. I want to comfort him, but I also want to get to the bottom of Pete's motive. I near him, not minding the small height difference of a few inches.

"My sister and I have been on the run since we were kids," I growl. "Younger than you and your friends, Pete! So you decided to set the goddamn house on fire while not only was I in there with my sister—" I shove him and Pete stumbles back. "— but your own best friend and allies you decided to meet up with!"
"Oh? And you think the rest of us did?" I sarcastically scoff. "You think a nine-year-old and an eleven-year-old wished on shooting stars to be chased down by the fucking government?!"
"Guys, stop," Patrick says as he stands. He pushes his way between us. Pete glares at me with pure anger, his hand twitching at his ray gun. I give him a daring look, knowing he wouldn't do it. Maybe it's the Adrenaline still pumping through my blood.

"Pete," Patrick turns to his friend. "What you did was very stupid. Not only did it really fuck up with the asthma both Rev and myself have, but you could have killed us all. We all hate how this is going, but we're going to have to deal with it, alright? Most of you have it better than I do! The Silence took my hand and brainwashed me into something I never wanted to be! You're all still in one piece!"
"Patrick's right," Fun Ghoul says. "We're all on the same page."

Pete grumbles with frustration. It's obvious that he knows Patrick is right. He shoves his hook away from his chest and brushes past him with a rough push.

"You need to control your girlfriend, 'Trick," Pete fumes before climbing into the van and slamming the door behind him. He doesn't drive off. He just sits there for the moment. Patrick and I glance at each other, waiting for one of us to argue his statement. We somehow agree to let it slide, the words being nothing but out of heated emotion.

"Just give him some time," Andy advises. "He didn't mean any of that. You know how he is."
"I guess," Patrick sighs, giving the van a final glance before turning to situate his makeshift sleeping bag. I grab onto his arm to catch his attention. I succeed, his deep blue eyes locking with my brown eyes for a moment.

"You're not a monster," I reassure him. Patrick gives a weak smile and a shrug. I know he doesn't believe me.
"Thanks," he mumbles.

Adrenaline Sisters// fall out boy & my chemical romanceWhere stories live. Discover now