Chapter 34: Show Me What You've Got

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||First Person||Revolution||

I keep my face pressed into the material of my sister's jacket, my arms wrapping around her waist tightly as I do so. Kobra eventually walks off with Patrick to the others, the group chilling by the van while talking about things I can't hear.

I've known my sister since the day I was born, and if seven years of putting up with her and only her while we were on the run doesn't seem like much, I can tell when she's off. I see the way her eyes keep closing at the oddest moments for the longest pauses, I can feel her hands twitching around my shoulders as she hugs me back, and I can feel the heat of her ray gun pressing against my leg from the strapped holster she has fastened around her own. She used her gun on someone or something, and I can't be sure, but it's bothering her. Knowing Bomb though, the last thing she'd want to do is talk about what's going on in that head of hers. She's always been good at keeping things to herself.

"You know you don't have to squeeze me to death, right?" she attempts to say lightly, but her voice shakes the slightest bit. I unwrap my arms from around her though, straightening up so I can lean against the side of the Trans Am the way she is. Bomb reaches up and tucks a strand of my hair behind my ear, a soft and warm smile twitching on her lips as she looks at me. "How are you doing?" she asks me.

"I'm fine," I lie straight through my teeth, and maybe Bomb's attention is fleeting elsewhere in that muddled brain of hers because she actually believes me for once. At least it looks that way. Then suddenly she's looking back at me and poking the skin underneath my eyes.

"How much sleep have you been getting?" she asks me curiously. "You have bags,"

"My bags are designer," I smirk, earning a soft, slightly nervous chuckle from my sister. I feel proud that I'm able to pull that sound from her even when laughing seems like the last thing on her mind.

"I thought Kobra helped you sleep?" she inquires anyways, and I would have had to be incredibly stupid to not notice that all this talk about my insomnia was in the hopes to deter the conversation from coming back to her. I decide to entertain her for a little while longer.

"Sometimes," I blush, chewing on my bottom lip when I think of Kobra and I sneaking out at night to hang out in the Trans Am while listening to his favourite band, Anthrax, before he'd lull me to sleep with his company. "Most of the time, he doesn't know that I don't." I mumble though, letting out a sigh when I think of the sleepless nights that have become more and more frequent as more traumatic experiences tack onto them. I feel Bomb's hand brushing a loose curl behind my ear again, something I notice she used to do whenever she was anxious. I let her continue though, finding some sort of comfort of my own in her actions.

"You still have those dreams?" She sighs softly. "Rev, I thought they stopped."

"Yeah, well so did I," I heave out. "It's nothing I'm not used to though. How was driving?" I ask her, and I can see her wince when the topic is brought right back around to her.

"Party might just die young from heart failure," she says, a small smirk pulling the corner of her mouth up. "I literally floored it."

"I asked Kobra if I could drive his motorcycle," I chuckle lightly, "he laughed in my face." Bomb grins at that, and I let out another giggle as I nudge her lightly. "What else happened? Your gun is hot." I ask her.

"Nothing," she says sharply, the smile on her face falling for just a second. "Just a run in with some Dracs, nothing major."

"Nothing major?" I gawk. "Last time a run in with Dracs happened, I almost got draculoidized."

"Like I said, nothing major," she forces a smile at me. The glint in her eyes tells me to back off, but since when did I ever step back? I open my mouth to say something else, but I hear Ghoul's voice nearing as he comes over to us. He ruffles his black hair lightly before he adjusts his bandana that's covering the lower half of his face.

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