Chapter 47: It's Not My Fault I'm a Maniac

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|| Third Person || Patrick Stump ||

Patrick watches the youngest killjoy run out of the room. He looks over at Party Poison in hopes that the redhead could give him a bit of an explanation as to what just happened.

"I-I didn't mean to upset her," he stammers. He gently tugs his finger out of his new daughter's grasp. "Should I—"
"No, stay here," Party huffs. "Stay here with Bomb. I'll talk to her."

Patrick nods, guilt still forming in the pit of his stomach. He doesn't know exactly what he did wrong to make Revolution react the way she did. Party Poison jogs after the girl, leaving Patrick alone with Bomb and Joan. He returns his attention to the baby in his arms and blows a sigh.

"You'll like Auntie Rev," Patrick says reassuringly. "She's not always like this. She doesn't like me too much, but I'm sure she'll like you. Auntie Rev just... has a lot of things that are bothering her. You'll understand when you're much older."

Joan makes a small whimper as she opens her eyes again to look up at Patrick. He smiles a little and caresses her cheek with his index.

"Hey sweetie," he whispers gently. The baby only blinks at him, earning a small chuckle from Patrick. "You look like your mother. I mean, you also look like me, too, but more like her. Maybe you'll be just like her. She's so strong and tough. She's a little stubborn, but she can do anything."

Patrick looks over at Bomb, the killjoy still asleep on the gurney. A small smile finds its way to Patrick's lips as he studies the girl he loves wholeheartedly. Now the two have a child of their own, a result of their love.

"You've met Mommy before, but she's sleeping," Patrick informs the newborn. "Maybe when she's awake, you two will get to know each other. You should be sleeping too, little one."

Patrick walks over to the incubator and lies Joan down in it. She whimpers in an attempt to cry.

"I'm right here, sweetie," Patrick whispers reassuringly. He lets the baby grip onto his index again, the small gesture quieting the infant. Patrick smiles as he studies Joan, noticing that she is getting sleepy again.

"Y'know, I made a promise to your mother," Patrick says. A smile twitches at the corner of his lips. "I promised that I would take care of you both. That means I promised to protect you too.
"I'll admit, now isn't the time to have a baby with The Silence and Better Living hunting us down, but here you are. You're here, you're surprisingly healthy... and now I just have to keep you that way. I'll warn you that your mother and I are nowhere near perfect, but we'll do everything in our power to keep you safe and happy."

Joan loses her fight to sleep and closes her eyes to fall into the slumber. Her small fist releases Patrick's finger and slowly drops beside her head. A hand grasps onto Patrick's shoulder; he stiffens a little before turning to see Pete's hand.

"Pete, you can't do that—"
"We need to talk," Pete cuts off. Patrick studies his friend, trying to read the emotion that lies in his brown-hazel eyes. Pete nods towards the door, directing Patrick to follow him into the narrow hallway.

"Party wanted me to stay here," Patrick whispers to the Defender.
"You're not going far. We just need to talk," Pete says. Patrick looks back at Joan, then Bomb. He checks the monitors attached to Bomb Sunshine, remembering the things the nurse had told him and how to identify if something was abnormal. Her heart rate was steady and regular. The I.V. drip was giving her the needed dose to subside her pain as her body healed. Maybe a step into the hallway wouldn't be too much of a danger.

"Fine," Patrick huffs reluctantly. He follows the Defender into the narrow space and he notices his friend's eyes search the premises of the hallway. He finally identifies the emotion in his eyes: fear.

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