Chapter 17: Methods of Keeping You Clean

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|| First Person || Bomb Sunshine ||

Revolution storms out of the diner with a scoff of disbelief. I can't blame her. My response wasn't very like me, to give up Adrenaline that easily. It really wasn't easy. I try to will myself to go after my sister as she disappears behind the door, but Patrick's embrace is what stops me. Mikey calls out to her, but she doesn't turn back.

"She can sulk about this all she wants to," Party states. The red head begins to pace again. "You two need to lay off this stuff."
"Gerard, can you rethink this?" I try to argue. "Can't you just... ween it off of us a little at a time?"
"No," he says firmly. "I want all forms of it right on this counter. Now."
"Elaine, it's for the best," Patrick repeats. A shiver goes down my spine at my real name. It gives me an unfamiliar feeling that makes my skin crawl in the strangest way. I tear myself from Patrick's arms with a scowl towards Gerard.

"You have no idea what you're doing to us," I growl at the killjoy. I fish the small pallets and containers of the drug out of my pockets before placing them on the counter. Gerard narrows his green eyes at me, knowing I have more stashed somewhere. I roll my eyes at his silent request and slam my bag onto a barstool to open it. I take out most of the leftover vials and needled syringes for the energy-induced substance.

"Is that all?" Party Poison asks, raising a brow.
"Yes," I lie, but my voice doesn't show it. "Rev has the other half."
"Jesus Christ," Ghoul gawks at the stash.
"How high do you think a person could get off of this?" Pete comments. Patrick tosses him a glare.
"Shut up, Pete," he snarls. "Now is not the time for that."
"This is very serious," Ray says. His arms are folded across his chest. I feel small and degraded. Patrick probably catches onto that vibe as he rubs my arm in an attempt to comfort me but I pull away from him. He flinches back.

Rev enters the diner again, anger obvious in her face. She brushes against Mikey, her shoulder almost making the tall boy unstable.

"Adrenaline on the counter, now," Gerard demands of her. Revolution glares at me as she takes her dosages out, adding it to my pile.
"I hate you so much, right now," Rev growls at me. I chuckle darkly at my younger sister.
"You think I want this?" I ask rhetorically.
"Let's go," Gerard says before Rev can add into the tension. He steers her shoulder towards the door again. "We gotta head to another site before the pigs find us. I better not hear a damn thing close to you two fighting on the way to the zones, understood?" He glances up at Patrick, needing him to be in on this part of the plan. I take the advantage to gather my papers in their folder, clutching it to my chest again.

"I'll prevent it as much as I can," Patrick says.
"Good enough," Party says. "Let's head out."

We gather our belongings and file out of the building and into the cars. I follow Patrick in the Defender's van, Andy at the wheel. Revolution crawls into the back once I sit down.

"I thought you would be with Kobra," I dare to comment. Rev gives a careless shrug.
"Just leave her alone for a moment," Patrick says to me.
"Didn't want to ride with him," my sister answers after a moment. I only nod and wait for the drive to be done with, hugging my knees close to my chest. It irritates the deep wound I earned from Courtney. I try to hide the winces that want to cross my face, not wanting Patrick to worry about the stab or become angry at the bitch in charge of the silencers.

After a while, the van stops. Pete, Andy, and Rev get out. I follow suit, but Patrick stops me by gripping onto my arm.

"Let go," I huff, too tired to tug away.
"You didn't tell me about Courtney stabbing you," Patrick says, failing to hide his anger. I can't tell if he's angry at her for doing it or at me for not telling him. I almost don't want to care. I just want to take a dose of Adrenaline to forget it and sleep.
"So what?" I yawn. "Why does it matter?"
"It matters because I care, Bomb," he states. Patrick's words are firm, almost like his grip on my arm. His hand loosens from my bicep. "Just... don't challenge her again. Not like that. She can kill you. I'm a witness."

I glance back at Patrick. His eyes show genuine concern for me. I almost want to ask him if she was the reason his hand is replaced with a weapon. I remember Courtney mentioning a man's hand being cut off.

"Fine," I mutter. "Anything else?"
"What's in the folder?" Patrick asks, dismissing my sarcasm from the rhetorical question. His voice doesn't address it as a question but more of a demand.
"None of your goddamn business," I retort, grabbing the manila-bounded collection of papers. I shove it in my backpack and hop out of the van. Patrick follows and tries to hurry to my pace as I take large steps toward the group. Frank is starting a fire while everyone else sets up their makeshift pillows and blankets out of clothes and other finds.

"I think I do have some business in this," Patrick argues. "After all, I am part of this group just like everyone else. Just like your sister, too."
"Don't fucking test me, Patrick," I grumble. "Now would not be the best time."

I find a secluded space not too far from the group and drop my bag on to the dirt. I open its side pocket and take out a small pallet of Adrenaline pills that only carries four of the tablets. I pop one out of the aluminum seal and pop it in my mouth.

"What is that?" Patrick demands sternly.
"Candy," I lie.
"Oh, yeah? What kind of candy?"
"Why does it matter?" I groan.
"Because I've never seen you eat candy. And I've never seen a candy come out of a container like that." He points at the pallet that still rests in my hands. "My deductions tell me it's Adrenaline." Patrick takes the rest of the pills and pockets it.

"Spit it out, Bomb," Patrick says. I swallow the pill dry and glare at him. He glares back. "I'm trying to help you, alright?"
"Well, don't," I argue. Patrick groans out of growing frustration with me. He runs his hand down his face and let's it fall beside him. Patrick sits next to me as I adjust my backpack to use as my pillow for the night.

"I'll tell you a little secret," he tries to compromise. "Between 2010 and 2011, I had a drinking problem. Everyone was worried for my wellbeing and I refused to listen. I got drunk way too much for it to be healthy. But I finally gave in and got help. And it was for the better."
"Did you need it to survive?" I question as I lie down and rest my head on my bag.
"No, but that's the thing. You don't need Adrenaline to survive much like how I don't need alcohol to survive."

I chuckle at his attempt of a comparison as I close my eyes and turn away from him. I hear Patrick rummage in his backpack before he puts a sweater over me to protect me from the night's cool air.

"You don't know the half of it," I mumble to him. He only sighs and results to leaving me alone for the night.

Adrenaline Sisters// fall out boy & my chemical romanceWhere stories live. Discover now