Chapter 38: Well If You Carry On This Way

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||First Person||Revolution||

"Okay, rules are simple," Frank declares with a broad grin on his face. He sits on one of the breakfast bar stools that we dragged from the kitchen area to the lounge area with an empty one behind him that I'm expected to sit on. He holds a pair of scissors in his hands as he studies me. "Bangs would be nice, but please, I beg you, not a bowl cut." Fun Ghoul grins at me as he instinctively brushes his long black hair behind his ear.

"Why are you letting her do this again?" Ray chuckles amusedly as Frank lays down the ground rules.

"I need a haircut and her hand-eye coordination is better than any of you dweebs," Fun Ghoul laughs.

"What does that have anything to do with cutting hair?" Gerard sasses from the sofa couch, the redhead flipping through a magazine idly.

"More than I thought," Frank giggles as he holds the scissors out to me along with a comb, his eyebrows raising as he does so in confirmation. "Ready?"

"Shouldn't I be asking you that?" I smirk, taking the black handled tools from his hands before heading around him, pulling myself up on to the barstool behind him. I look at the back of Frank's head and try to get the image of what I want his hair to look like into my mind. I was thinking bangs that aren't too long and a really short cut at the back and sides. The rest, Frank was going to go over with his razor, trying to achieve a soft fade buzz wherever was needed.

"I think your hair is fine," Jeremy blurts out from his seat next to Andy. His back is ramrod straight and a smile is still curling his lips upwards as he voices his objection. "How will anyone recognize you?" he explains.

"A haircut won't make me a different person," Frank says with a smile, making a funny voice as he does so.

"The Killjoys," Jeremy elaborates, the smile still plastered onto his face. Why is he still smiling?

"It's okay, Jer," Ghoul smirks, his hands coasting through the air in a 'chill' way. "It's not like anyone else has to recognize me." Jeremy's smile falters the slightest bit and I find him looking a little more human, but then the smile comes back full force and he looks like a robot.

"Okay," Jeremy says, and I'm not sure, but I can vaguely detect a hint of passive aggressiveness in his tone. I don't realize that I haven't done anything yet until Frank is speaking and snapping me out of my daze.

"Anytime now, the anxiety is crippling," Frank chuckles nervously, keeping his head still though as I level out his hair with the thin-toothed comb before snipping away at the back. The jet black tufts drift to the hardwood floor, and Frank side eyes them with interest.

"You don't have insurance, Ghoul," Pete chuckles from the bar table, his hands circling around a glass of water. Kobra is sitting next to him, his eyes focusing on me as I carefully work away. Mikey and I have been really quiet with one another for the past two days after our argument. He thinks that I'm harsh on Patrick when the guy killed Joe, a man with a daughter, and would have went after me and Bomb afterwards. He can't blame me for finding my sister's consistent infatuation with him rather sickening and dare I say, idiotic. Bomb thinks that he's only a human with a small, non-life threatening issue to deal with. She believes that her being able to control his tantrums constitutes to his human status. I think it's a load of bullshit.

Kobra obviously doesn't agree with me though, and has made that fact rather prominent.

After Gerard bandaged up my bloody fist in the gauze that is now stained red, he took me to a small room with posters plastered to the walls and comic books stacked on the nightstand near the bed. He mentioned something about it being a safe room for Mikey's old things back from their days in Battery City, the few things they managed to salvage before their immediate escape. He told me that I could sleep there, and when I climbed into the bed and brought the blanket to my face (one that rather smelled a lot like Mikey), he stayed with me until he thought I was asleep.

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