Chapter 11: Defend the Faith

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|| First Person || Bomb Sunshine ||

My head throbs as I grow conscious again. My body feels sore and stiff as I try to sit up. I blink my eyes as my joints begin to pop. I take the moment to examine the new environment. I remember being in the hospital, not a cage cornered in a white, pristine room.

"Where are we, Bomb?" I hear my sister ask groggily. I examine as much as I can, still getting no hint as to where we are.
"That's exactly what I'm asking myself," I say. I rattle the barred door, hoping I can grab someone's attention.

"HEY!!!" I roar. A switch goes off in my head, allowing the memories to slip by. The s/c/a/r/e/c/r/o/w/s, the draculoids, Gerard rushing out of my room just before a bald man wearing black enters... We've been captured.

I hear wheezes and I want to say they're my own. My heart races, but my lungs seem to be cooperating with my body. I look back, seeing Revolution curled in the corner of the cell, gripping onto the jacket Kobra had given her.

"A-Are they g-going t-to g-ghost us?" she panics. I rush to my sister's aid and embrace her, hushing her.
"We've made it almost seven years on our own, Rev," I remind her. "We'll make it out alive."
"W-What if we d-don't?"
"I'll give you permission to laugh at my misery while Satan burns me at the stake," I smile, ruffling her hair. Rev gives a weak giggle and stays attached to my side.

I keep my attention on her, making sure her breathing regulates. Footsteps echo from the white floors; I snap my head up, cautious of the person approaching us. Korse stops in front of the bars and smiles.

"Hello, girls," he hums. "It's been quite a while since we met."
"What do you want?" I growl. The bald man raises his hand in mocking surrender.
"Quite a bark you got there, Bomb Sunshine," he taunts. I glare at him. "May I offer you two food? Drinks? Any medication for those injuries of yours? I do specialize in medicine."
"We're fine," I seethe for the both of us.
"A gun shot wound and broken ribs doesn't sound fine to me," he pouts. I stay silent and work on comforting my sister.

"Suit yourself, ladies," Korse shrugs. He nears the door and eyes me. In the moment, I wish looks could kill. I know my hard glare would burn a hole in the center of his shiny forehead.

"My friends and I have some questions for you, but I'll wait another thirty minutes for you two to collect yourselves," he says before walking away.

"Bomb, I wanna go home," Rev mumbles, her voice wavering. She tries her best to bury herself deeper into Kobra's jacket. I let her rest her head on my shoulder, forcing a strong façade for her.

"We'll go home soon," I say. "We'll go home and eat Twinkies with Jet Star, and Patrick will tell us stupid jokes. Mikey might even tells us more about 2005 and what it was like. We'll be somewhere safe in the zones eventually, together."
"Promise?" Rev asks me. I rest my head on her curly hair as I gently rub her arm.
"Promise," I whisper.

Moments pass and Revolution eventually took the advantage of sleeping on my shoulder. The only thing that keeps me from panicking in the cell is Rev's calm breaths of slumber and my mind remembering our group, shuffling through memories and small features I notice of them.

Footsteps echo through the room again. I wake Rev up, getting a groggy sigh from her, as a Silencer unlocks the gate.

"Follow me," the woman almost snarls. I stand and help my sister to her feet. She refuses to let go of my hand as we near the secretive, dark spaces of what I believe is to be the Better Living Industries Head Quarters. I don't blame her.

The Silencer escorts us to an enlarged room. A man waits in there, bearing a goatee and a ponytail. Rev and I cautiously take the seats across from him. He leans forward and smiles at us.

Adrenaline Sisters// fall out boy & my chemical romanceOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz