Chapter 28: Brace Yourself Bite Your Lip

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||First Person||Revolution||

"Shh, shh, it's okay," Party tells me, and I can feel my knees giving out as I lean against the redheaded boy. I feel hot, like every single one of my limbs were set on fire when my sister stormed out of the diner angrily. Gerard hesitantly helps me sit down on the hardwood floor and holds me to him, stroking my hair as I stare blankly at the door. My clenched fists tremble as I fight the urge to pummel them into something. "Rev, honey, do you think... Do you think that you could have imagined—"

"She's hiding something, Poison," I whisper, my smarting hands trembling as I bring them up to cover my face. "She's hiding something!" I say louder, but my voice cracks and it doesn't come out as strongly as I hoped. I feel the tears threatening to spill, but I don't dare let them go. I can't cry, not in front of everyone. Not because of this.

"Rev," I close my eyes when I hear Jet Star's careful voice, not wanting to see the curly haired man's expression of concern. I couldn't stomach that, not now. "Come on, let's go." I turn my head and bury my face into the crook of Party Poison's elbow, the navy blue material of his jacket pressing into my cheek. I don't want to get up. I just want to stay seated in Gerard's tight grasp and pretend that I didn't just start smashing my fists into my sister's face over a page Better Living wrote about our life. I want to pretend that nothing is wrong and that Party isn't trying to calm the rage making me twitch violently in his arms.

"Give her a minute," I hear Mikey's voice, soft and careful, and I feel those tears more daring than ever when I remember that he saw me lose it. He saw me start swinging at my sister— my own sister— over something that seems minuscule to them all. They don't know what it's like to be denied any sort of memory of their past lives, how badly it screws you up to not even remember your real name for practically seven years.  Mikey's going to think badly of me, I just know it, and I don't know why it matters to me so much, but I care what he thinks. He's the last person I want thinking of me as just some unstable girl.

"Hey, sweetie, you want to go on a Run with Mikey and Ray?" Gerard whispers into my hair as he holds me to him tightly. "Nova, it's okay if you need some time away from Bomb." That's code for 'you're-taking-time-away-from-your-sister-no-buts-or-ifs.' I nod anyways, and Gerard lets out a satisfied sigh before he helps me get to my feet. He wraps his arms around me and hugs me tightly, the kind of hug that everyone needs at some point in their life, before he pulls away and looks me in the eyes. "I'll speak with you when you get back, okay?" I nod again because I don't have the fight in me anymore to argue with him. I just feel sick now.

"I'm not paranoid," I whisper softly though, wanting them to hear it at least once more. "I'm not paranoid, Party."

"Here," Gerard unties the bandana he has wrapped around his neck before holding it out, fastening it over the lower half of my face. I try not to think about the fact that he ignored my statement and deterred the conversation. "Be safe, yeah?" He smiles softly before he ruffles my hair. I chew on my bottom lip that is now hidden underneath the fabric that smells strongly of Gerard Way. I nod my head, aware that a forced smile wouldn't get either of us very far, before I turn around. Jet Star is heading to the door as he ties his bandana around his face while Kobra stands by the counter with his arms crossed over his chest. He looks over at the other blonde man standing next to him, Agent Cherri Cola, before he straightens up and grabs his sunglasses off of the table.  I hesitantly walk away from Gerard, lowering my gaze so I don't have to make eye contact with anyone else. I can feel Patrick's gaze burning holes at the back of my head. When I finally shoot a glance back at him, I expect to see his eyes yellow and ablaze, but they're a soft blue as he looks past me and outside. My sister.

"Let's go," Mikey says, smiling softly at me. He holds out his gloved hand expectantly as I walk towards him. I'm unsure of letting him take my own hand into his, not right now. Mikey's expression falters for a moment before he tosses a grin over his shoulder and leads the way. I cringe as we step out of the diner and into the bright daylight of Zone 3, squinting as Jet and Kobra head over to one of the Trans Ams parked outside of the diner. Jet gets into the driver's seat and Kobra slips into the passenger's seat, leaving me to the backseat by myself. I climb in, slamming the door shut behind me as I stare out the window. I catch a glimpse of my sister sitting on the ground at the side of the diner, staring off into the afternoon as she no doubt turns over in her mind just how important our relationship is to her to ruin it because of a secret. A dumb secret. I don't need her protecting me anymore.

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