What is islam???

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What is islam???

One of my non-muslim friend was soo curious about my religion that made me wonder if she was the only one who had questions and doubts about islam???

' Aria what is islam? And why do you people practice it? ' she asked me one day. I was really taken a back by her question, i mean i didnt know what to reply to that since she was the first one to ask me about it...Well to be frank the first thought that came in my head was islam is a religion which preaches the belief in one Lord alone, and come to think of it i practice it because my family does, i mean thats my religion, thats what my elders taught me, isnt that the reason i practice it? I asked myself.

But no its not only that.

So here's what I told her, what i'll tell u now..

First,islam - it preaches the oneness of Allah, it tells us how to live and it tells us what an amazing Lord we have. HE is the most merciful, the most forgiving, the all knowing, the all seeing, the generous Allah. HIS love is that of the love of 70 mothers combined. Now who could walk away from that love?

HIS bounty is such that HE provides even for the non-believer and HIS mercy is such that even the smallest of actions like smiling at a fellow human being we get a reward, just by sitting to drink water we get a reward, by being soft spoken we are rewarded, even in greeting someone with an ' as salaamu alykum ' we are blessing that person with good health... Well in short HIS mercy and bounties on us are numerous.

So islam is the name given to the belief we have in the onesness of Allah and HIS commands, in our prophet Mohammad ( pbuh ) and of a life after death.

Second why do i follow it??

I follow it because i fell in love with it. With all of it.

People think islam is a restricted religion..that being a muslim we are restricted from consuming alcohol, eating pork, mandatory that we cover our body, cant have a relationship before marriage, no infidelity etc etc '

Here i guess the no infedility clause is something everyone would like right??

But why cant people see what that stuff does to them ( apart from infedility ... Obviously ) ??

We are forbidden from doing those things only because they harm us more than they do good. Like alcohol, sure you loose your senses and drown your sorrows in it but then, dont you wake up again?? Mostly to a banging headache!

I mean what was the point of drinking and getting soo bloody wasted that people, unknown people can take advantage of that or no, why just unknown? at times even the most trusted people could easily take advantage of you when your intoxicated..plus why would you wanna forget what you did after drinking or i guess in most cases one WOULD like to forget all the embarrassing stuff they did. ;)

Not only that,alcohol also effects the body badly. Damages the liver and mostly the ADDICTION!

When people loose there senses they even beat up other people like their wife and kids then make a pathetic excuse the following day saying 'i am sorry i was drunk ' .. my a**!

Anyway i have another example. its forbidden to show off your body and i really like this one because covering myself saves me from those creepy guys who stare at girls like sex objects. Eeew i feel soo grossed out when a stranger looks at a girls body as if he just got aroused looking at it. I feel like puking even at the thought of that!! Ahh

Alhamdulilah we muslims are safe..(:

Show off your body, flaunt your curves but do it infront of YOUR husband and not infront of OTHER'S husbands, like seriously! Plus wouldnt you want to do that, show all that u'v got to your husband rather than a stranger or strangers?? '

So well, I love my religion becoz it rewards me for good stuff that i do and keeps me away from stuff that are bad for no one else but me. Oh and the best part, in the end i get to meet my Lord and am rewarded with Paradise, that too for eternity!! Imagine that!! :D

Heres something i thought i could share with you all.

The prophet Mohammad ( pbuh ) said :

A muslim who plants a tree or sows a field, from which man, animals and birds can eat, is commiting an act of charity.

Well thats how my Lord rewards me for being pious. I am rewarded for the smallest of deeds so be it! I'l do the littlest of good deeds just so i get to live in paradise in the hereafter where life is eternity! <3

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