Chapter 4

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Demi's POV
I'm sitting in my hotel room when Marissa comes in and shows me this video of this woman saving one of the stars from AHS. Sarah I think is her real name.

Marissa: she comes out of nowhere! This is amazing.

Demi: Wow! When did this happen? Yesterday?

Marissa: yeah apparently Sarah was waving to her fans walking across the street when the car was speeding. Then this girl comes and pushes her out of the way.

Demi: that's fucking amazing. I wonder who she is. Do they have a name of the person who saved her?

Marissa: uuhhh let me see.... Yes! Her name is Saavvi Taylor.

Demi: she's amazing, she just jumped into action and saved her. Wow.

And with that I looked at the time. 12:00

"Her mar you wanna go for a coffee I'm feeling some Starbucks right about now"

Marissa: I'm down for a salted caramel frappe lets goooo

Me and my best friend head out for a caffeine pick me up, and of course paps everywhere. Fuck I hate them.

We get to Starbucks, order and find a table to sit at while we wait for our drinks when I hear that name again


Saavvi's POV
It's noon so I head to Starbucks to get me and styles a coffee. I kinda feel bad about maker her upset yesterday so I thought I'd get her some coffee to make it up to her. I walk in and order a salted caramel frappe and a chocolate frappe no whip. I have no clue why she doesn't like whipped cream with her frappe, makes no sense to me. But hey, whateves. I sit down at a table and go on Instagram when someone comes in, I don't look up because ew people. They call my name for the drinks and when I get up to get them I'm stopped by the one and only, Demi Lovato

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