Chapter 36

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Saavvi's POV
Fuck. I have this ringing in my head and there's bright lights everywhere. This feels like a bad hangover I think I'm gonna be sick. As I try to keep from throwing up I can start to here voices. I open my eyes and I'm in a hospital room. "Ugh" I then notice the two people sitting in chairs next to my bed .

"Uh......hi" . They looked up kind of surprised.
"Oh my god we thought you were dead " . A woman with dark black hair , brown eyes and jeans and a tank rises out of her chair and tackles me . "Don't ever scare me like that again hoe!" . What the fuck is going on here ? Who are these people ?
"Im sorry but ...... Do I know you" I say a little confused. "Saavvi its me... Styles.." I raise an eyebrow and they both look at each other puzzled and a bit scared. The other woman in the chair leaves the room and calls for the doctor. As she leaves another woman walks in and is wearing a fancy dinner dress that's been tattered and you can tell she'd been crying.

What the fuck. I still haven't got any answers. "Can someone answer me please who are you people??!! What is going on ? Why am I in a hospital ???!" Just then a doctor comes in with the same woman that left.

"Hello Saavvi, my name is Doctor Lamar, how are you feeling ?"
I move to sit up in my bed. "I'm fine, can someone tell me what's going on ?" I say having very little patience left .

"You were in an accident and have been in a coma for 3 weeks" 3 fucking weeks ? That's impossible...... I was just....I was just..... What was I just doing ? Doctor Lamar sees me spacing out and speaks up taking me out of my trance . "Miss Taylor do you remember anything about what happen to you ??" I look up to see everyone's eyes on me, searching for answers, answers I don't have.
"Doctor, I don't remember anything at all"

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