Chapter 7

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Demi's POV
Watching them bicker was hilarious. They must be really close, but she hesitated when she called Styles her sister. Hmm. Weird.

Styles: "Oh don't be coy Saavvi, you know you're a giant Lovatic"

Saavvi glared at her for a second and then turned to face me and it was the cutest thing. She's also a fan of me and I can't stop smiling
Shit. Df is going on with me.

Marissa comes up behind me and is smiling smugly.

Marissa: "Hey dems, gonna introduce me to your friends or...? " she flashed me a grin at the end

Demi: "Mar this is Styles and Saavvi, Guys this is my bestfriend Marissa"

Styles: "Hey girl! Oooh I LOVE your purse! Michael Kors??"

Marissa: "OMG YES! I got it last week and it just ugh. Perfection."

They start talking having their own conversation leaving Saavvi there trying not to laugh.

Demi: "what's so funny?" I say with a smile

Saavvi: "she's just so girly it almost hurts to watch" she says trying not to laugh.

She shifts her weight on her hip and I bite my lip, it was so hot.

Demi: "S-soo uhm, you're not into girly stuff huh"

Saavvi: "nah it's not really my style, I think purses are kinda weird"

I laugh and she smiles at me. SHE SMILES AT ME.

Demi: "So you seem super calm about meeting me seeing how you're a "Giant Lovatic" I nudge

Saavvi: "Oh no believe me on the inside my inner fangirl is having a proper fit right now"

I laugh, and just then Marissa and Styles come up to us.

Styles: "Sooo Marissa and I are gonna go back to our house so I can show her my collection would you guys like to come or..?"

I look at Saavvi
Demi: "well I don't have anything to do today if you wanted to hang out a little more, I mean we can't stay in Starbucks all day"

Saavvi: "Sure why not. Just mind you I have puppies.....and they will attack newbies with loads of love. Beware" she said with a smirk

Marissa: "You had me at puppies. 😍"

We left the coffee shop and of course paps everywhere. Like a fucking wild fire on crack.

Saavvi's POV
I left to get coffee and came home with Demi Lovato. I'd say that's a giant win. #goals. We got to the house and I can see Demi and Marissa's eyes widen as we get to the front. Me and Styles smirk at each other and open the door.
Guess I didn't mention but, my house is......big. It all started in high school. I was taking college courses my senior year for engineering, and my high school grades were perfect. Then one day there was a shooting at my school. These assholes had come to my already shitty school for some dumb cult initiation and they had to shoot up some school to do it. MY school. I was fed up. I worked so hard to get my grades and to make it to senior year just to have some twats ruin it. Not only for me but for other students as well. While hiding I decided that I wasn't going to take it. Figured since I was already suicidal might as well die doing something to save other people. So I found some zip ties from the janitors closet, called the police and went on a mission to get the dickbags in my school. I managed to get all but two. While looking I found one and kicked there ass so good man, you can say he won't be having kids anytime.....ever. Zip tied his ass to a pole. Whilst doing so I turned to see a gun pointed toward me. Shots went off but I was so determined that I just went for him. Got the gun out of his hand and punched him square in the jaw. I think I broke it. Then things went dark. Next thing I know I'm waking up and find out I was shot 6 times 4 of them through and through, 1 in my shoulder and the other in my hip. The pain sucked ass. I had to finish my classes online but got a pretty good check in the end. Bought the house of my dreams, cars I wanted and even made sure my Ma and dad was good so they didn't have to worry. By the time I was about 20 I had fully recovered and had a degree in engineering. I used it to make a prototype of a machine that is now being sold world wide. Somewhere in all that I found my voice and started singing and dancing.

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