Chapter 15

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Saavvi's POV
I shoot styles a look because I know what she's about to tell Demi. But at this point, I just really don't care. I go upstairs and then to the roof and just sit until I see Demi sit next to me. It's about noon now, but there are clouds and it's kinda nice out

Demi:"so styles uh she...."

Saavvi:"figured she tell you"


Saavvi:" I'm okay now, I don't do things because I want to die anymore, mostly because the outcome of the situation as a whole would suck. And for the depression part I mostly just find a reason to live everyday and tell myself that it's the reason that's gonna get me outta bed and be active. That and working out is good."
I look at Demi and she's fighting back tears. Great. I made Demi Lovato cry. Put that on my top fuck up list. I lean in to bring her closer to me and hug her. Then let her go after I squeeze.

Demi:"you sure you're okay..." She looks down while playing with her fingers

Saavvi:"positive love"
She smiles

Demi:"so uh you and styles, not sisters huh?"

Saavvi:"yup, they call us doppelgängers. Two people who look the same in just about every way but have totally different families genes everything"

Demi:" you mentioned that the only difference is you're eye color but you guys both have brown eyes" she stares into my eyes and I can't help but blush

Saavvi:"yeah the power of contacts is great" I laugh

Demi:"So what's your ACTUALL eye color"

Saavvi:"well that's kinda hard to explain......can I show you instead?"

I stand up and give her my hand so that she can follow me, reluctantly she grabs it and we go downstairs

Demi's POV
She leads me downstairs still holding my hand and I'm trying so hard not to blush because her skin is so soft. She interlocked our fingers and I'm getting butterflies in my stomach. She sits me down on the couch and the calls for styles. What the hell is she going to do. After a couple of seconds she comes in the living room


Saavvi:"just, you two stay here I need to go get my contact case"

Styles looks at her wide eyed and Saavvi just smirks and says "might as well" okay no now I'm kinda scared.
Styles looks at me and says

"You must be special"

Demi:"what why??"

Styles:"she never shows anyone her real eyes"

Just then Saavvi comes back and at first I don't notice but then........then I see that her eyes are a dark green. There.....there beautiful they go with her skin beautifully and the way the afternoon light is hitting them just takes my breath away. But wait that's not something to be ashamed of. Why did styles have to come in the room if she already knew?

Saavvi:" alright so styles just talk to me. To try and y'know......"

Styles:"oh this is gonna be fun"

Saavvi:"yeah for one of us"

Styles:" so Saavvi...... How's your new song coming along?

I can see her eyes start to change to a lighter shade of green as she smiles widely

Saavvi:"Good good, everything is gucci"

Styles: "okay okay, so uh, how do you feel about the whole situation that just happened?"

Her eyes turn a royal blue and she looks down and then back up at styles. What the hell is going on

Saavvi:"it's fine"

Styles:"alright........." She says concerned but she keeps going.

Styles:😈"So how do you feel about Demi Lovato siting on your couch right now"

I see her eyes turn a bright shade of pink and a smile is wide on her face. Fuck she's so cute but I still have no clue as to why her eyes are changing colors. I want some damn answers.

Saavvi:"fuck you styles"

Styles:"hey I'm not the one that's hashtag lesbian for Demi"

I can feel myself blushing and smiling like crazy. I knew Saavvi was a fan but...... Ugh my heart is beating so fast. Saavvi then jumps on styles and they wrestle on the floor. I can't stop laughing. They eventually get up and Saavvi is glaring at styles her eyes now an orange tint.

Demi:"okay now what the fuck is going on? Why do your eyes change color?"

Saavvi:" I don't know, that's what the meeting was for this morning. To talk to my doctor to see if he knew what was going on but he had to reschedule"

Demi:"so......what to each color mean? Do you know. How long have you had this?"

Saavvi:"well from as long as I could remember my eyes have always been like this and as for the colors. Green is happy or passionate like when I talk about something I really love, blue is a level of sadness, Orange is a level of anger." She playfully punches styles arm "and pink is love, embarrassment, or blushing"

Demi:"pink huh? So you're lesbian for me?"
Her eyes go from light green to pink in no time and she's smiles like an idiot and looks down

Saavvi:"fuck you Demi" ☺️☺️

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