Chapter 30

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Demi POV
After Ann leaves it was just Saavvi, Styles and I. We finish breakfast and then started to make plans for the day.

Saavvi:" So .... What are we doing today ladies" she says putting all of our plates in the dish washer

Styles:"well I'm going to hang out with the boyfriend today. He's been bitching about how I don't anymore so"

Saavvi:"emotional much?"

Styles:" yeah he's an emotional kind of guy" they both laugh and styles takes our cups and puts them in the dish washer and turns it on.

Saavvi:"so that just leaves us chica, are you busy today?" She says with her hands in her hips like she just did a good deed. I swear she is so adorable. Her mannerisms are hilarious.

"No ma'am, I'm good till we go on tour. I got everything out of the way so I could have some down time before things start to get crazy."

Saavvi:"oh well shit okay. You wanna do that thing we talked about doing last night?"


Saavvi:"oh shut up it's not like that" she says and I can tell she got embarrassed bc her eyes went from her normal green to a light pink shade and I had to hold in a giggle.

"Uhm, yeah sure I would love that" I can feel my cheeks get hot just thinking about going on a date with her. I can't believe I'm actually going to do this. Lost in my thoughts I didn't realize that she kept talking after I agreed.

Saavvi:" hey, HEY, Demi!"

"Oh yeah sorry spaced out, what were you saying?" Shit. Again.

Saavvi:" I was saying that I'll make the preparations for everything and all I need for you to do love is pick out two outfits to wear"

"Two?" I say sort of puzzled.

Saavvi:"Did I stutter Lovato? When I take people on dates they're not just dates, they're adventures. Adventures that require two outfits" she says a bit cocky with a hint of a smirk.

I can't even lie, it was a little bit hot when she called me by my last name.

"Fine, two outfits it is, and since we are being bold her you're going to pick me up promptly at 8 in your fanciest car and bring me flowers" I try my best to sound confident and I think I played it off pretty well because on the inside I was actually freaking out.
Saavvi walks up to me and gets so close that if stuck my neck out I would be kissing her.

Saavvi:"honey I was going to do all those things and then some. Believe me when I say, that this night is going to be a night to remember" she says with a smirk and a husky voice. She's killing me here. How much sexy can one person possibly be.

"And if it's not?" Why did I say this good god.

She steps a little closer so that she can whisper in my ear
Saavvi:" trust me it will be" she says this with so much seduction my heart nearly explodes and the butterflies in my stomach do the samba.

Styles:"yeah hey guys I'm still here. While you guys do all that sexy shit I'm still here. Just thought id let you know."

Saavi gives her some sort of look

Styles:"okay and now I'm going" and with that she leaves

"Well since I have to have two outfits for this supposed amazing date, I should go"

Saavvi:"okay then. Oh! Dress for the beach, and then a fancy something or another"

"Something or another?" I say with a smile

Saavvi:"you know what I mean woman" she says half laughing
Her laugh is so intoxicating. I could listen to her laugh all day

We said our goodbyes and I left for my house to prepare for tonight. Who better to help me with a date than my bestfriend. Once I get home I take out my phone and dial Marissa's number

"Hello, come over I have a date and need your help"

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