Chapter 38

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Styles POV
My life's a fucking mess. I'm sad everyday, I want to scream my soul off... but then again what's a soul if its been stolen from you? I miss my fucking sister, my A1, my world...heh, my "twin". I miss calling her hoe and going for froyo. Middle of the night Ihop runs just because. Surprise pillow attacks when we're watching movies. Besides all that we just have this connection, this bond that can't even be described. I miss her. Its been two weeks since the accident and she's not awake. I don't know of she'll ever wake up....

Demi is up and about, still healing though. I'm going to meet up with her for some lunch. Poor boo, she was an absolute mess at the hospital. After the doctor told her Saavvi's condition she lost it. She wouldn't eat, drink, sleep, nothing. She needed to heal so that shit wasn't going to cut it. I can't lose the both of them.... And I didn't want her to slip back to her old ways so I tried to convince her that she has to get better for not only herself but so she can be there for Saavvi. If she wakes up she'll need both of us by her side. Wow.... IF.

Anywho..... Demi and I are going to head over to the hospital to see her after lunch. Maybe get some good news ? I can only hope.

*doorbell rings*
Fuck. Guess I gotta get out of bed.

I walk downstairs to open the door for Demi. Now, I look like complete shit. Ain't goin lie, but Demi looked like The Complete Shit Series with bloopers included. She looked so worn, ghost like even. Like her spirit left her body to fend for herself. I welcome her in and close the door. Before I could even turn around all the way I was swept in a very soggy hug and I couldn't do anything but hold her and try not to cry too. That didn't work. So here we are, soaked in tears crying. We're not going to make it to lunch.

"Demi" I say to get her attention. She looks up at me with these waterfall brown orbs. "I know it hurts, but she needs us to be strong. To fight for her bc she can't right now." Her lip trembles and some more tears fall but she wipes them away. She gets this blank stare on her face before she says "Fuck lunch. We're going to see her. Now." And with that she opens the front door and heads out.

We arrive at the hospital and she takes a seat in one of the chairs by Saavvi's bed and I opt to stand. Demi takes her hand and begins to try to talk to her. Doctor Lamar said it was good stimulant to talk to patients that are comatose... The last update we got on her condition was a couple days after it all. Dr. Lamar said that they stopped all the bleeding and anything that was critical and that it was just a matter of the body healing itself and waiting to see if she would wake up. She was breathing on her own, responding to medication, no infections. In all reality she just looked like she's been in a deep sleep.

Lost in my own thoughts a nurse walks in to check her vitals. "Um scuse me nurse but is the doctor around? I just wanted to get an update on my sister." She finishes what she's doing and flashes me a sympathetic smile. "Yes of course, he's just talking to some of the family first and he'll be right in" tf?? Some of her family ?? I wasn't aware that her family was in town let alone coming to visit her. There's a reason she doesn't talk to her family so wtf.... Just then 3 women and a teenager walk in and I totally space that she has OTHER sisters besides me. "Styles is so nice to see you, almost the spitting image. Gets me every time." Maree. Saavvi's bestest friend in all of existence, and big sister. Loves her to death, and insists that she is the best little sister ever. She comes in for a hug and I gladly give one, next in line for a sappy hug is Lynn or "Bunnie" the big sister to both of them. Saavvi always complained about how she would never get a hug from her and that she used to karate chop her in the neck. Just the thought makes me giggle bc she would get so mad and then go back to loving her like it was nothing.

I guess I giggled a little to loud bc they all started to look at me puzzled. I look at Bunnie. "You know how sometimes you chop Saav in her neck?" She cracks a smile and Maree starts laughing. "Yeah why?" She says before a tear rolls down. I rub her arm and wipe away a tear I didn't know had fallen. "Well she really hates it but she always laughed when she would tell me" At that point everyone giggled and it was kinda like a sigh of relief. "Whos this handsome fella" I gesture for the only teenager in the room. "Auntie Styles its me, Gabriel" my eyes go wide for a second before I practically tackle him to the ground. "NEPHEW! YOURE GETTING SO BIG, STOP." this 5'7 kid is getting to big for my liking but I love him to pieces.

I noticed that Demi is kinda just....there and I instantly feel bad for not introducing her. I walk over to her and gesture between them and her. "Guys this is Demi, Demi this is Saavs older sisters and her Nephew." She offers a half smile before standing up "hi its really nice to meet you guys, sorry it had to be like this tho..." She sticks her hand out and they just look at it. "Yeah we don't do handshakes in this family, bring it tf in" Maree goes to hug her and by the looks of it Demi was super surprised. After they pull away Gabe goes to hug her and after that Bunnie.

They pull apart and Bunnie goes "You know, we've heard a lot about you. We can't get Nik to shut up about you" puzzled by that name she looks to Maree. "Nik?" I chime in before anyone could say anything . "Its Short for Niccole. Its her middle name... Two C's but Nik is spelled with a K." I try to hold back more of these goddamn mf tears but again, that doesn't work. Before I knew it, I was once again swept in a soggy sappy group hug.

Dr. Lamar walks in right when we break from embrace. "Am I Interrupting" we all swipe our tears away and welcome him in . "Alright, so Saavvi is doing well. Shes responding to meds, no infections, breathing on her own, and the swelling has gone down drastically. The only thing now is to ..... Wait. Not exactly ideal but healing takes time and with her kind of injuries its really touch and go. It could be 2 more weeks, or 2 months."

The room fell silent, and Dr. Lamar asks if we need anything. With a unanimous shaking of heads and low "no thank you's" he leaves.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2018 ⏰

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