Chapter 26

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Demi's POV
"You smell like apples, where'd you get your lotion from?" I say. She really smelled good.

Styles:" bath and body works, it was a sale. And now I smell like fresh apples all up in your nose feel free to smell me Ik I smell amazing" she says as she fans herself

Ann:"okay look sassy Apple I need to shower so come show me how to work yours. I'm not about to be ass naked trying to figure out how to work it"

Styles:"okay first off, rude. Don't get a tude bc your skin doesn't small like a crisp apple in the winter, and second......only is you say please" she says as she flashes her teeth and bats her eyes.

Ann:"bitch please"

I bust out laughing. I have to admit, she asked her to say please just didn't say how.

Styles:"cheeky witch, okay you ass follow me"

Ann follows her trying to hold back tiny giggles but utterly fails. I'm left to my own devices. I start to head upstairs to see if I can find Saavvi's room so I can shower too when she walks in, and let me tell you if I didn't already want to shower..... I would need one. A cold one.

Saavvi:"hey I thought you were going to shower" she says kind of confused.

I'm stuck just staring at her. She walked in with nothing on but a towel. And I'm not talking those big towels that cover your body like a nice blanket. I'm talking about those smaller towels you use to dry your hair. Not only that but you could kind of see one of her hip tattoos. Her hair was wet and glistening. She was holding her towel with one hand so it doesn't fall and just ugh. I'm staring. Hard. I wouldn't be surprised if I was biting my lip, because damn. Just damn.

I'm brought out of my thoughts when I here my name.

"Demi.....uh.....Demi sweetie?"

Demi:"huh.. yeah.. what yes??"

By the time I came to I didn't realize she was really close to me

Saavvi:"sweets are you okay you were just standing there....." She says worried

Demi:"uh yeah......I uhm..... Just uh..... Was just caught in thought"

Lied through my teeth.

Saavvi:"the towels in the gym aren't really meant for full showers and I didn't have any clothes, sorry if I'm making you uncomfortable"

Demi:"oh n-no y-you're fine it's okay REALLY"

Saavvi:" sure your okay?"

Demi:"yeah I-I'm sure I uh just need to know where your room is....because shower"

Because shower? Get your shit together Demi.

Saavvi:"hahaha okay follow me"

I follow her up two sets of stairs to a room with double doors. We go in and ITS FUCKING HUGE HOLY SHIT. biggest flat screen I've ever seen mounted on the wall, a bed big enough to fit like 5 people in, a balcony with glass doors with a view of the pool, walk in closet that could easily be a bed room. The bathroom had a giant tub with jets, the shower was over head and had three settings on it and had speakers built in. When she said she made her dream house. She really meant it.

Demi:"I'm. In. Heaven."

Saavvi:"oh so you like?" She says with a smirk

Demi:"more like fucking in love"

Saavvi:"come on dream eyes I'll show you how to work the shower"

I follow her in the bathroom and place my clothes on the counter.

Saavvi:"okay so just touch the pad and press for the water. Red is hot and blue for cold. That's the first setting. Second one is steam, and the third one is a combo of both. Each setting has a panel so just pick which one you want." She showed me how to do it so that I had it how I wanted.

Demi:"I'm never getting out this shower. It's fucking amazing"

Saavvi:"then you'll turn into a prune and I'll have to come in and help you out before you turn into an old saggy lady"

The thought of her coming in when I'm showering. Mmph.

Demi:"don't tempt me"

Where THE FUck DiD that coMe frOm??

Saavvi:"oh wish" and with that she turns and heads to the door.

"Have a nice shower Demi" she says without turning around and closes the door.

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