Chapter 19

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Demi's POV
Both Karen and Maria looked pissed that we pranked them and now I feel bad. I should just tell them it was all my idea. I open my mouth to speak when Saavvi speaks up.

Saavvi:"I'm so sorry it was all my idea. I knew the meeting was gonna run heavy so I wanted to lighten the mood before that happened"

Wait! No! She's gonna get fucking yelled at for something that wasn't her fault. I look at her with confusion and she just keeps looking to see their reaction. I look back at Maria and she was looking from me to Saavvi and then she just said

"It's okay...lets get started"

The meeting started and it was so long. We talked about interviews, soundcheck, going from place to place security. Everything. From time to time I looked at Saavvi and Styles to see how they were holding up and Styles looked tired mostly but she was paying attention and Saavvi had a look of seriousness on her. It's the first time I'd seen her look serious. Sure I'd seen her sad, happy, and seductive. But never serious, and to be honest it was kind of sexy. I bit my lip to keep from saying my thoughts. Then I was hearing my name called and it brought me out of my thoughts.


Demi:" oh sorry yes?"

Maria:"you okay there "

Demi:" yeah just thinking" shit I was staring again.

Karen:"okay well we're done here you guys can go, just remember we leave in 5 days so you all need to be ready"

Saavvi and Styles nod and Styles was holding back a yawn.

Maria:"yeah and Demi you have an interview tomorrow at 8:00 am for GMA"

Demi:" good god that's early"

They all laughed, and I couldn't help but do the same. We said our good byes and started toward the car. I checked the time and it was nearly 5:00pm.

"So guys what did you want to do for the rest of the day" I say still looking at my phone.

I hear ringing and look up. Styles picks up her phone and walks a little bit away from us. Weird, must be serious.

Saavvi:" uhm to be honest I don't really care as long as I get a smoothie with mangos in it."

I laughed so hard I can feel my stomach start to hurt. She's so random it's so cute, swear.

Saavvi:"I'm serious, that's all I could think about the whole time we were in there" she says laughing

Demi:" Are you serious? So that serious face you had was because you were thinking about a smoothie?" I say trying not to laugh so hard

Saavvi:"oh so you were staring at me eh" she says with a smirk

I blushed and before I could say anything Styles comes back with a concerned look on her face.

Saavvi:"whoa what's wrong sweets?"

Styles:"One of us needs to go into the office. ASAP." She said kind of annoyed

Saavvi:"what happened!!??" She said kind of angry but curious.

Styles looks at me then back to Saavvi.

Styles:"Il y avait une pause dans les serveurs et sont corrompus" she says in a language I don't understand


By now Saavvi looks quite angry.

Saavvi:"Je vais , je peux voir ce qui se passe et de le corriger"

Styles goes to say something else but Saavvi just waved her off. She then turns to me and says

"Uhm, something has come up and I'm pretty sure it's gonna take up the rest of the day" she says disappointed.

I put my hand on her shoulder and say
"Hey it's okay, whatever it is go handle it we can hang out some other time"

Styles:"Hey Demi, other than your interview tomorrow do you have anything you have to do?"

Demi:"actually no I'm free till we leave for the tour why" I say kind of confused

Styles:"then why don't you chill with us for the rest of the week. I mean if you want to"

Oh my god yes.

Demi:"Id love that, if it's okay with you" I say the last part to Saavvi

Saavvi:" Sounds amazeballs to me, plus I still need that smoothie" she smirks and winks at me.

After that I lost it. Blushing, giggling, and trying to find my words. I was a mess. A complete mess.

Saavvi:" I swear Demi, you're so cute when you're flustered" she says blushing. 

Those words stopped me, butterflies fluttered all over my insides and all I could do was smile. I looked up and both Styles and Saavvi had a shocked look on their faces and Saavvi was cupping her mouth.

Saavvi:"I ........uh.......I gotta go do......the thing. I'll see you guys tomorrow" she tossed the keys to Styles

Styles:"wait how are you getting there??"

They both looked at each other for a sec and then they both said


Styles:"okay well good luck"

Saavvi:" Not luck, Skill."

She got on the phone after that and told I'm guessing Tom, where she was and to come get her.

Styles:"so Demi you wanna chill at our house till you have to go home"

Demi:" Yeah, we can watch movies and relax from today"

Saavvi:" Netflix and Chill" she said laughing and then Styles started laughing too. Then it clicked

Demi:"OHMYGOD NO" I said laughing. Pretty soon we were all laughing.

Then a black standard limo rolled up and a tall skinny, built, guy got out and opened the door. He wore a nice black suit and had blond hair. He was actually quite handsome.

Saavvi:" well ladies this is me, I'll see you guys tomorrow" with that she gave us both hugs and left. Soon after Styles and I went back to their place.

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