Chapter 31

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Demi's POV
After I call Marrissa I lay down on my bed and go on Twitter
"So excited for tonight, I have a feeling it's going to be amazeballs 😊😝" after I tweet I lock my phone and close my eyes. I must have dosed off because before I knew it Marrissa is calling my name to wake me up.

Marissa:"hey sleepy wake up"

"Hey Riss," I say with a smile

Marissa:"okay happy get up and talk to me. Who's this date with and is he cute, do I know him, does he have nice teeth, tell me everything I'm dying here"
I laugh and sit up.

"Okay for one are you gonna call me all the names from the seven dwarfs or .... And second they are gorgeous, you know them, and yes they have nice teeth" I say as I chuckle a bit.

Marissa:"okaaayyyyyy so what's his name???" She says clearly impatient.

".......... Saavvi" I say trying to hold my smile but it comes out anyway. Her eyes go wide and a sly grin comes across her face

Marissa:"you. Sly. Fox. I had no idea you were into her like that, but damn do you know how to pick em, she is hawwttttt. If I was into women I'd choose her too. You go Bestfriend you go you" she says playfully pushing me. She's so weird, this is why we are friends.

"Yeah she is isn't she she just... Ugh.... And then when she looks at me I just......but when she winks oh boy when she winks my stomach is like and my head. MY HEAD. She just. Yes." I say in one huff and then a sigh. I look at Marissa and she's just staring at me with a devilish grin on her face.

"What" I say confused.

Marissa:"you like her......... Like really really like her. You caught the feelings didn't you?"

"Maybe......." I say trying to hold my smile.

Marissa:"aweeeeeeeeeeee look at you!!!!" She says tackling me in a hug.

"Yeah okay okay get off me and help me find two outfits" I say trying to push her off me.

Marissa:" two?" She says confused

"Yeah, I guess she's taking me to the beach and then somewhere to eat after" I shrug.

Marissa:" aweeeeee, she's a keeper. I feel it." She says fake crying

"Haha come on help me get ready" I say as I get up and check the time. 2:15 okay so I have more than enough time. We start to go through my closet to look for the first outfit. After a while we settle on my blue bikini bottoms with short shorts and blue bikini top with a white see through flowing shirt and some white sandals. I lay the outfit in my bed for later and then we search for the second outfit. After much deliberation we settle on a grey tight dress that goes just above my knees with a black leather jacket and black pumps.
I give Marissa a high five and thank her for helping me. I check the time again and it's now 4:00 exactly.

"Hey Riss you wanna watch a movie before I start to get ready" I suggest

Marissa:"quality time with my bestie before her hot and steamy date? Don't mind if I do" she says with a giant smile. I playfully punch her and turn on Netflix and settle on Avatar. I climb in bed making sure the clothes don't fall and Marissa follows me. We watch the movie and when it's over I check the time and it's 6:34. Marissa gets up and stretches.

Marissa:"you gonna get ready now?" She says as she yawns.

"Yeah I'm gonna go take a shower when I get out help me with my hair?" I question


I roll my eyes and go to start the shower and get in. After a while I get out and wrap a towel around me and walk into my room. Marissa fell asleep waiting for me and I just smile and shake my head. I get my first outfit and go back in the bathroom and put it on along with a bit of makeup. When I'm finished I go back in my room expecting for her to still be asleep but she was awake

Marissa:" look at you! You stunning goddess. You are smokinnnnnn"

"You lift my self esteem to a new level of high" I say as I try not to laugh

Marissa:"oh well I do try" she says as she bows

"Haha okay well can you help me with my hair now pleeeaasssse?" I beg of her.

Marissa:" yeah yeah come on let's get you beautified" she does my hair in loose curls that fall perfectly around my face.

"Thanks Riss I owe you one" I say looking at her through the mirror

Marissa:" yes, you do. Steak dinner would be great"

"Deal, you got it" I say laughing knowing how much she loves steak.

I check the time one last time and it's nearly 8. About 10 minutes till. A flood of butterflies are in my stomach and I can't help but think about Saavvi. I put my other outfit in a bag and grab my purse and Marissa and I head downstairs. We hear the doorbell ring and Marissa goes to open it. I hear an "OH. MY. GOD." I look to see what's going on and I can't believe my eyes.

Ohhhhh cliffhanger!!
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-The King.

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