Chapter 21

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Saavvi's POV
After what seemed like forever I finally get things under control. I went into my corporate office that I have for the machines I created because someone broke into the system and fucked up some of the dynamics. Styles texted me so see how things were going and I gave her a brief update and asked how the night was with Demi. She gave me some vague answer and I was to tired and pissed off to look more into it. After things were handled it was around 3:15 when I decided to go home. When I got back I decided to take a shower and go to bed.

I didn't bother to put on pajamas because I was just so fucking whipped. I check the time before I go to sleep and it's about 4:00 now. Ugh.

I wake up to my house system telling me that there is someone at the door. By this time is like 6:30, who the fuck is at my door? I get up and go downstairs to see who it is. When I open the door I wide smile is spread across my face and I'm instantly tackled by the woman standing in my doorstep with a suitcase.

Woman: "ISAIAH !!!"


Styles comes out of her room with a bat and in her hot pink pajamas when she sees us in the floor.


Me and the woman you was still on top of me looked at each other and just burst into laughter.

Styles:"Ugh! I can't stay mad at you come her give me a hug you burglar"

We get up and she gives styles a tight hug and then she goes to get her suit case that was still in the door way. She closes the door and then looks at me.

Woman:" So are you half naked for me or do you have someone in your bed upstairs" she says with a smirk

Saavvi:"oh Ann you should know better than that all this is just for you honey" realizing that I was in fact half naked

Ann:" Good because that ass is lookin' real nice " she says as she moves me sideways to get a better look

Saavvi:" Oh well you know me I work out" I say cocky like and wink.

Styles makes a gagging sound and then says

Styles:"You two were made for each other. And you say IM a perv. I'm going back to sleep. Ann, I'm thrilled you're here really I am but I had a late night with........." She trails off and gives me this Mischievous grin

Styles:" with a new friend of ours, so, I'm gonna go back to sleep"

And with that she leaves

Ann:" what was that about....." She says confused

Saavvi:" uuuuhhhm. It's a long story that can wait till later. Actually I'm like whipped babe. Corporate, system break in, blah blah blah. I didn't get in till like 4:00.

Ann:"Hell are you up for??"

Saavvi:" You know I said the same thing but then this amazing girl was at my door and I just couldn't resist" I say giving her a wink

Ann:"Oh really? She MUST be something then huh" she says giving me a smirk

Saavvi:" Well I mean she just HAPPENS to be my best friend in the universe sooooo"

We both laugh. She gives me another hug and then whispers

Ann:" I missed you love"

Saavvi:"I missed you too punk"

We pull away and smile.

Ann:"well I'm going to go to sleep. 9 hour flight with no monster. I'm dead tired."

Saavvi:" I like the way you think woman"

We go upstairs and she puts her suit case in my closet then takes some of my sweats and a shirt to sleep in. I climb in bed and soon after she does too and in a matter of minutes we fall asleep.

Demi's POV
After the interview with GMA I call Styles to see if her and Saavvi want to hang out today. By the time the interview was over it was about 9:45 so I figured at least she would be awake.

~~~~PHONE CALL~~~~~~
Styles: "hello?"

Demi:"hey, I was wondering if you guys wanted to hang out today. I just got done with Good Morning America for the interview"

Styles:"Oh well Saavvi is still asleep, she got in pretty late but I'm SURE she would LOVE to hang out today"

Demi:"oh uhm okay great what time could I come over?"

Styles:" Just come over now, I'm about to go get coffee from Starbucks want anything"

Demi:"oh no thanks and okay I'm on my way now"

Styles:"alight see you in a few"

~~~~END OF CALL~~~~~

I put on some more comfortable clothes. Just some skinny jeans and a band tee with combat boots. I grab my shades and head over there, butterflies rushing in my stomach as I get closer and closer.

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