Chapter 13

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Demi's POV
I drive up to Saavvi and Styles house and get out the car. I walk up their long drive way. Once I get up to the door I can hear them talking a little bit so I ring the door bell. After a couple of seconds the door opens and I'm greeted by Saavvi. I walk in but my eyes are glued to this perfection that is standing in front of me practically half naked. She has on a Grey sports bra that has a red trim around it and grey spanks. Her legs are perfectly toned and her abs. God. Damn. Those. Abs. Add some water and it's a fucking washboard. Her hair is still wet from a shower and some of the water is dripping on her abs.She has circular tattoos around her hips, stars are her shoulders, and tribal bands on her arm. I can feel myself biting my bottom lip but I try to stop before anyone notices. Okay, I'll admit it, she's definitely hot and I am DEFINITELY attracted to her. Just then I notice that there are scars on stomach. I'm brought out of my thoughts by styles

Styles: " okay"

"Huh what oh yeah hey guys" I smile trying not to make anything awkward and take a seat at the bar counter

Saavvi:"Well I'm going to go upstairs to put on some ACTUALL clothes"

She disappears upstairs and it's just me and styles left.

Styles:"You okay you seemed kind of in your own thoughts there" she says concerned

Demi:"Oh yeah, I was just spacing out a bit" I couldn't tell her that I practically wanted to climb Saavvi like a tree.
Styles gives me a smirk like she just read my mind.

Styles:"uh huh 😏, so you want some breakfast I still have some left?

Demi:" nah I had some before I came over, but I will take that last piece of bacon 😈"

She gives the the piece on the plate in front of her and then puts it in the sink.
I start to notice her features. I mean they are twins so why am I not that attracted to Styles as I am Saavvi? They are basically the same, but Styles is more..... Girly. The way she stands the way she talks her whole personality is opposite of Saavvi.

We talk some more until Saavvi comes back down. I fucking swear she is trying to kill me because damn. Her fit was on point. She has on a red and black crop top that says "Bite Me" and some short dark wash shorts and ankle socks that are miss matched but both have mustaches on them. Her hair is dry now but layered like a Greek goddess is her stylist.

Saavvi's POV
I go upstairs and just throw on the quickest thing I can find. Crop top and shorts. I start to dry my hair with the blow dryer and comb it through. Once I'm done I look in the mirror and give my self a mental high five.
"Damn I'm good" the one time my hair wants to cooperate. I start toward the door and then realize I don't have socks on. I just pick the two I can find and put them on and head downstairs.

Saavvi:"hey hoes!"

Styles:"ooohh babe your looking hawt!!  STOP. Werk it. Give me a twirl."

Demi starts laughing at us. God that's so cute. Fuck man she's so adorable.

Saavvi:"you're so fucking weird" I give her a twirl and then flip my hair at the end

Styles:" Yas ! I'd hit that"

Saavvi:"You perv! Calm your tits before I call Kevin" I can feel Demi giving us a confused look

Demi:" who's Kevin"

Styles:"My boyfriend"

Saavvi:"Yeah let's keep it that way" I say playfully as I go sit next to Demi

Demi:"Okay did I miss something or....." She says confused

Shit, guess now is as good a time than any to tell her. I give styles a look and she just shrugs

Saavvi:"okay....uh so me and Styles aren't actually related"

Anyway, updates later today
How are you guys liking the story? What do you think is going to happen? Let me know your thoughts. :)
-The King

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