Chapter 27

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Saavvi's POV
Okay what the fuck was that. Did she ACTUALLY want me to find her in the shower??? Bruh.
Anyway, I put my lotion on, some boy shorts and a sports bra when my phone starts ringing.


Person:"well well well if it isn't the infamous Niccole"

Holy shit, I know this voice

"Tony?? Is that you??"

Tony:"you bet your sweet ass it is!"

"Holy shit babe I missed the fuck out of your punk ass! Where are you!?"

Tony:"just touched down in Sin City in gonna go by Ma's place and say hey"

"Yeah and give her a heart attack, she missed you y'know"

Tony:"yeah I missed her too. So are you gonna come see a handsome guy such as myself or?"

Just then Demi comes out the bathroom

"I wish I could but I have to work, listen I gotta go I will fill you in on all the juicy details later okay? "

Tony:"sure thing babe, night!"

"Night babe"

~end of call~

Saavvi:"hey how was your shower?"

Demi:"it was uhm amazing actually......" She says kind of timid

Saavvi:" good can't have a horrid shower now can we?" I say with a smirk. I turn to look in closet for a cut off tee. As I'm putting it on there's a knock at my door

Saavvi:" go away I'm naked"

Styles and Ann both come in laughing

Saavvi:" you guys are sick"

Ann:"oh and your not?"

Styles:" plus who wouldn't want to see you naked right? Up top!"
She goes for a high five and I leave her hanging

Styles:"okay rude"

Ann:"Demi you okay, you seem kind of quiet" she says concerned

Demi:"y-yeah I'm just thinking. I'm fine" she fake smiles. I can't help but think she's upset for some reason.

Saavvi:" Ann guess who called!"

Ann:"the pope? Who"

Saavvi:"I wish he owes me $20, anyways, no it was tony! He's in Vegas visiting my mom"

Ann:"oh my god really?? I miss him, and his sculpture like ass"

Saavvi:" whoa, back off my man bro"

Demi:"you have a boyfriend?"
She says kind of disappointed

Styles:"their relationship is kind of weird, they would never date though"

Saavvi:"I met him in highschool the way we act around each other is like we are dating but, god no he's like a brother to me..........that and I'm not.....into dudes much so" I kinda trail off. It's weird talking about my sexuality.

Demi:"oh uhm.....okay. So what did you guys want to do for the rest of the night?"

Styles:" you wanna take them to the tower and watch a bunch of movies and eat a bunch of crap"

Saavvi:" OH RIGHT! Yeah that sounds awesome. What about you guys? "

Ann:"I'm game"

Demi:"uhm what's the tower?"

Styles:"oh Hun, you are going to love this" she says with a devious grin.

Saavvi:"well, now it's a surprise for you. I promise you, you are going to love it" she smiles at me and says okay. To be real right now, seeing her smile makes my heart skip fucking beats. I could stare at her smile all day and be the happiest clam.

Saavvi:"you guys go ahead I need to talk to Demi right quick"

They leave and I close the door behind them. Demi looks kind of worried, but that's what I need to talk to her about.

Demi:"so what's up?"

Saavvi:"are you sure you're okay love? You've been kind of out of it since we got back and I wanna make sure you're okay"

She hesitates for a while before she says

Demi:"can I be honest with you....."


Demi:" let's say that I'm hypothetically attracted to you, hypothetically what would you say?"

Okay what. Okay Simon you can come out now, I know I'm being Punk'd is this a joke or?

Saavvi:"hypothetically? Okay, I would say that I may or may not be attracted to you as well. Hypothetically of course" I say as I try to hold in a smile. But fail.

Demi:"so what would you say if I hypothetically asked you out on a date?"


Saavvi:" I'd say you would have to test your hypothesis, if you would like a conclusion"

Despite the fact the my mind and my heart just died and went to heaven I am handling this quite well

Demi:".......s-so do you like, wanna go on a date......with me.... And stuff"

God she's so cute. Ahmygahd.

Saavvi:"I ...... Would love to"

Just then her face lights up with the brightest smile and I swear it lights up my heart at the same time. Now we are both just standing here smiling like idiots.

Saavvi:"come on Ms. Scientist I'll show you to the tower"

I Saavvi have a date with Demi Lovato. If I'm not the luckiest woman I honestly don't know who is.

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