Chapter 28

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Demi's POV
She put her arm around my neck and led me to what I assume was The Tower. Styles and Ann were already there arguing about what movie to watch. It was a large room and a large wall had the dvd screen on it and there were pillows and bean bags everywhere. There was a kitchen off to the side and a giant window that was covered with the blinds. It was absolutely amazing. I was thoroughly impressed. On the counter was snacks for the movie and it really was a sight to see.

Saavvi:"children....... What are we fighting about now?"

Styles:"she wants to watch fucking Incredibles and I think we should watch Grease"


Saavvi:"and you're both wrong" she says with a smirk and dramatically flips her hair

Styles and Ann:"what?!"

Saavvi:"we are going to watch Nighmere on Elm street, wanna know whyyy?"

Ann:"since you're going to tell us anyway go right ahead" she says bitterly

Saavvi:"My house, my rules bitches. Plus. That's just the first movie we can watch all of them just mines going first"

Styles:"sometimes I could just punch you"

Saavvi:"awe I love you too"

Ann:"yeah yeah whatever Demi did you pick a movie?"

Demi:"uhhhh no"

Ann:"do you want to?"

Demi:"uhm, what about Oculus?"

Styles:"I'm down with that"
Ann then glares are styles

Styles:"what!? Is has the girl from doctor who in it. Sue me"

Ann:"I'll do more than that"

Saavvi:"if Yall don't find some chill, you guys can watch it in the theatre"

Demi:"wait you have a theatre?!?!"

Saavvi:"when I said dream house it was literal lol" she said with a smirk

This house has so many nooks and crannies who would think it was the Hotel Cortez

We started to watch the movies and got comfortable. Styles was sitting with her legs crossed and Ann was laying in her lap. Saavvi was laying back on some pillows and bean bags and I laid on her stomach while we are popcorn and candy. This feeling of all of us just relaxing kinda just felt like I knew them forever instead of just a couple of days. It had a sort of home feeling. It was nice. After a while Saavvi started playing in my hair it kind of made me sleepy. But it got to the part of the movie where it started to get scary and I jumped. Everyone laughed and so did I. Saavvi kind just held me for the rest of the night. I She smelled good, whatever she got from Victoria Secret smelled really good and I realized that my face was in her neck before I dozed off.

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