Chapter 11

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Demi's POV
Me and Marissa leave for the meeting with my manager. Tom, my body guard came to pick us up. Hanging out with them was amazing. Their house is just. Gah! Styles is so funny, the sass that girl has but Saavvi, she has this way about her. She kinda just goes with the flow. She so modest too, they way seemed to act around me even though styles said she is a Lovatic and when she saved Sarah, she didn't even bat an eye. She's seems like she's so caring. She called me love and baby in one conversation. I know some people do that but still it gave me this weird feeling. Not bad weird, good weird. They way she smirked or laughed and her accent ugh. It can be addicting. It was weird when she hesitated about introducing styles though. I don't know what it is about her but wanna get to know her better.

I was taken out of my thoughts when the car had suddenly stop. We were here. We went in and sat in an office like room and waited for my manager Maria, to come in

Maria: "Demi hi! Hey Marissa! "

We both stand and greet her before sitting back down

Maria: "So! Straight to business. You tour in a week and everything is about ready to go. You have 2 interviews you have to do but other than that you're good. We have a meeting with your opener Saavvi, was it?...Tomorrow to go over the specifics. "

Demi: "Okay that's great! I'm so ready for this tour! What are the countries are we going to visit again? France, Australia, and Switzerland?"

Maria: " YES! 😁 I can't wait this is going to be amazing! Well Demi that's all for today. I'll see you guys tomorrow have a nice night you two!

I looked at my phone to check the time and hadn't realized it was getting late.

Demi: "Thanks Maria! And have a nice night too"

I get up and motion for Mar to follow me because she was staring at her new pumps she had put on.

I say goodnight to Marissa and go home.

Once I get in I make my way upstairs stripping clothes till I'm in my underwear and bra then put on some sleep shorts and a tank top. I get in bed and get comfy. I decide to text Saavvi

Demi: "hey! Are you still up"

After a few moments my phone buzzes

Saavvi: "well now I am, what up lady?"

She's so cute.

Demi: "oh shit! I didn't mean to wake you I'm sorry"

Saavvi:" it's all Gucci, you okay"

Demi:" yeah, I just got home from my meeting. Apparently we have a meeting tomorrow "

Saavvi:" yeah a little after you left my manager called and said she had a surprise for me and that we had a meeting tomorrow at 2:00"

Demi:"wait she doesn't know we know each other?

Saavvi: "nope! Lol"

Demi:" neither does mine! This is gonna be hilarious"

Saavvi:"the look on their faces tomorrow is gonna be epic"

Demi:"I can't wait!"

Saavvi:"and of course you get to see.... The One. The Only......Me! 😉"

Omg is she flirting with me!?!?

Demi:"you do realize you have a twin right? Lmao"

Saavvi:" Psshhhhhhh I'm the hotter one 😂"


Saavvi:" oh your cheeky 😉, but listen love I'm like dead tired, I'll talk to you tomorrow?

Demi:"yeah get some rest ☺️"

Saavvi:" Night Dem!"


She called me Dem. omfg that weird feeling is back. I can feel my face smiling. I slowly fall asleep with a giant smile pasted on my face

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