Chapter 33

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Demi's POV
Standing in the door way is Saavvi with this gigantic bouquet of black, Red, and White roses. She was wearing short dark wash shorts with a grey open flannel that showed her bikini top and her hair was done up in curls that perfectly flowed along her face. To say my breath was taken away would be a complete understatement. She Wow is all I can say. She comes through the door and Marissa is dumbfounded. I think the both of us are in complete shock.

Saavvi:" good evening Marissa" she says to her and then walks up to me

Saavvi:"these my dear are for you" she hands me the roses and flashes me this smile that makes my heart race.

"Uh...uhhm t-thank you there gorgeous" I say obviously stuttering over my words.

Saavvi:"Just like you" she says and the second she does her eyes are pink. Like pink as fuck. I can feel my cheeks getting hot so I look away to try and hid it.

Saavvi:" Oh! I almost for got these are for you as well I hope it's not weird" she hands me a heart shaped box of freshly baked chocolate chip cookies and I couldn't help but smile like and idiot. My favorites.

Saavvi:" Is it weird? Oh god it's Wei-

"It's amazing, your amazing, and I have a feeling this gonna be amazing" I say as I cut her off.

Saavvi:"well I sure hope I don't disappoint. Shall we go?"

"Yes we shall" I say with a wide smile.

I put the flowers in a vase and put the cookies in the pantry and we say our goodbyes to Marissa who had being giving us "awe" eyes and head out to the car. Saavvi opens my side first and the her side and once we are on the road she says.

Saavvi:"I was so nervous that I didn't even get a chance to tell you how stunning you are tonight. I just was so nervous that you would think I'm weird or something"

"You? Nervous? I was the nervous one. were perfect." She just smiles and keeps her eyes on the road. I don't need to see them to know what color they are. We sat in a comfortable silence the rest of the way. When we got there we pulled up to what looks like a beach but there want any water to I was a tad bit confused.

Saavvi:"come on you'll like it" she moves around the car to open my door and we start to walk toward this shack looking type house.

Saavvi:" two long please and some wax" I look at her puzzled at to what we are doing. And then I look up at the top where the sign is.

"Sand Boarding!?!?"

Saavvi:"yes ma'am" she says with a smug look on her face.

I mean I've heard about it but I've never actually done it. I can't even lie I'm kind of excited.

She pays for the gear and we head up a giant mountain of sand. Once at the top she takes the wax and shows me how to wax the board with her hand on top of mine. I couldn't even concentrate because her hand was just so soft and delicate and it was touching mine. Bringing me out of my trance she lets go

Saavvi:"you ready ?" She says with a smirk

"Uhm I'm kind of scared haha"

Saavvi:" I'll be right behind you, and if you fall I'll scoop you up and kiss your boo boo's" she says with a half smirk.

Yeah well that's not where I want her to kiss. 😏

With that, she finishes waxing her board and we both stand up and begin sliding down this giant hill of sand. The feeling of flying is coming over me. I feel like I can do anything. I make it to the bottom only to look back and see Saavvi fell. I run up to her and try to hide my laughter but fail once I get up to her.

Saavvi:" no no I'm fine just laugh at me" she says playfully

"Want me to kiss your boo boo's?" I tease. She gets up and pulls me in close by my waist.

Saavvi:"I think I have one"

Our lips crash together in the most soft, passionate, supple way. I have butterflies and fireworks all in one in my stomach. We pull away and I ..... I.... I just don't know what to do with my self. I'm in a daze. All I know, is that this is gonna be a long and amazing night. And this is just the first part.

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