Chapter 10

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Saavvi's POV
Styles and Marissa go upstairs and me and Demi were left to our own devices.
I'm alone. With Demi. In my house. 😏
I start talking about her tour to see if she knew I was her opener and apparently she didn't know. My heart kind of sank when she didn't know it was me.

Demi: "I can't believe I didn't put two and two together. Omfg I'm so sorry I didn't rea-

I cut her off

Saavvi: "look it's all gravy baby I'm not mad" I gave her a half smile. I mean I wasn't lying, I'm not mad..... Hurt.. But not mad

I get off the bar and go to the fridge and pull out my fancy bottle of cranberry juice and get two glasses

Saavvi: "You want some"

Demi: " I - I uhm I don't drink" she tenses up when she says that

Saavvi: " don't drink cranberry juice??" I turn the bottle and show her that it's just cranberry juice and she relaxes

Demi: " Oh well shit I thought it was uhm...-" she trails off

Saavvi: "I'm not dumb love, I wouldn't offer you alcohol knowing.... Y'know"

Demi:"well then yes I would love some" she smiles as I pour her a glass.

Demi: " this is some good ass juice!"

Saavvi:" imported from the Caribbean, I take my juice seriously" I say trying to be serious but end up smiling at the end.
We both start laughing but then her phone starts buzzing

Demi:"damn, my manager wants to see my ASAP about the tour. I gotta go"

Saavvi: "Damn, you drink my juice and leave I see how it is" I smirk and wink at her and she blushes

Demi:"That's just how I roll lol, no but maybe we can hang out tomorrow if you and styles aren't to busy?"

Saavvi:" Yeah sure, I have a meeting in the morning round 10:00 that I'm going to drag Styles to, but after that I should be free"

Just then styles and Marissa come down the stairs laughing and Marissa is holding a red velvet box.

Demi turns to her and has a confused look on her face and gestures toward the box

Marissa: "what she gave me her Gucci Nude pumps, why be rude and refuse?" We all laugh.

Demi: "well I have to go. Manager called to sort out some things for the tour"

Marissa: "Damn, well I'll go with you, moral support, BFF back up"

Demi:" You're the best Mar"

Marissa: "oh I know honey ;)" she says playfully

Saavvi: "Well ladies I had a wonderful time with you guys, good luck with your meeting Demi"

Styles: "Yeah, and wear those pumps Fiercely" she snaps in Z formation

We all laugh at how sassy styles is being. I give Demi my number so that we can hang out tomorrow, hug them both goodbye and they leave.

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