Chapter 17

335 17 3

Demi's POV
Once again, I am left with Saavvi. Alone. I got to sit on the bar counter, the one that Saavvi is leaning over and I can't help but stare at her eyes. Right now they are a light green, like she's focusing on something. She looks at me in the corner of her eye after a while and they turn a light pink and she smirks.

Saavvi: "Demi...."

I'm brought out of my element when she says my name. My heart begins to flutter. I love it when she says my name. 😉


Saavvi:" you're staring hun"

For fuck sake her accent.

Demi:"oh shit um...."

Saavvi:" haha it's okay love, most people do"

I smile, I can feel the heat rush to my cheeks.

Demi:"Hey Saavvi, why do you and Styles have an English accent if she's from France and you're from America" I say trying to pick a different subject

She looks up and her eyes go from pink to a bright green and I can't help but smile

Saavvi:"Well she was born and raised in England and then moved to France when she turned 16. As for me, she's been living with me since we were both 18 so I guess some of the things I say have an accent to them. You should see me when I get angry. It's like a switch gets turned on"

Demi:"Wow, you guys are so exciting"
I say with a smile probably painted in my face

Saavvi:" Oh well we do try" she smirks and winks at me before she buys her glass in the sink and the juice back in the fridge.

I can FEEL myself blushing and smiling like an idiot. If it wasn't for the fact the Styles could be coming back any minute I might have jumped her right then and there.

Just then Saavvi's phone rings and she answers it. She starts smiling and freaking out and laughing and in all honesty I got kind of jealous.

She gets off the phone and her eyes are a mixture of bright pink with specks of green, like before.

Styles walks in from getting dressed with a skirt that goes to her thighs and a floral top complete with black pumps.
She looked pretty hot if  being honest.

Styles:" what's all the screaming about?" She looks at us and winks.

So much perv.

Saavvi:" Shes coming. Tomorrow"

Styles eyes go wide and she starts grinning



Okay, now I'm REALLY jealous. Who is "she". Shit, why am I feeling like this ? Saavvi and I aren't dating and I don't even know for sure if she likes girls let alone me.

Demi:"uh guys......"I say trying to be included

Styles and Saavvi look at me with a kind of embarrassed smile

Saavvi:"oh sorry Demi, my best friend is coming tomorrow and I haven't seen her in a while"

Oh okay. Totally understand best friends are a necessity in life.

Demi:"Oh well she sounds like a pretty amazing best friend if she gets you so hyped" I say smiling

Styles:" These two would marry each other if they could they're that close"

Aaaaaannndddd my heart drops.

Saavvi:" fact" she says with a smug face

Aannnndddd my heart drops more.
Styles look at her phone and says we should head out.

Saavvi:"Demi you wanna hang out today and we all take my car"

Demi:" uh sure if you want" I fake a smile

Saavvi:"I want" she smiles a genuine smile and goes to a hidden panel in her kitchen

Saavvi:" Am I picking or ...."  She looks at styles with a quizzical look

Styles:"😈 let Demi pick" she says with a devilish grin

Demi:" Uh what ........"

Saavvi:"pick a number between 1-17 sweetheart"

Aannnnnnd my heart rises from the bottom to the top at the cute little nickname.

Demi:" uhmmmmm 7"

Saavvi and styles both look at each other with a smirk

Styles:"7 it is then"

Saavvi motions for us to go to what leads to be her garage. She turns on the light and as the lights slowly flicker on you can see an ass load of beautiful cars parallel parked from each other.

Demi:" holy shit" I say in a low whisper

I can see both of them smirk. I guess they heard me.

Saavvi:"oh yeah I guess I forgot to tell you about my garage"

I mean yeah I have cars and stuff but this, this is just beautiful. The designs the body, the color. Breathing taking.

Saavvi:"so number 7 right" she says with a smirk.

Sooooooooooooo how did you like this chapter?

I went to therapy today for the first time in a while and I went on my own. My new therapist is hilarious. 😂

Fruit? 🍈 😂

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