Chapter 34

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Saavvi's POV
We pull apart and I see that her eyes are still closed with a goofy grin on her face. That kiss.... It was ..... Damn. Words can't even describe how that kiss was. It was like butterflies decided to have a rave in my stomach and my head was on cloud nine. Her lips were so soft and smooth and the kiss was nothing but pure perfection.

"All better" I say as I wink and she starts to blush. After that we go a couple more times on the hill, both of us falling as we do so.
We then start to gather our boards and wax and return them. There's a little bathroom to shower next to the shack and we make our way with our second change of clothes and get clean.
After we are freshened up we go and head over to my car.

Demi:" so where to next" she asked while I pull open her door for her

"Now if I told you it would be a surprise now would it?" I smirk at her and close my door and start the engine. As we start to drive she takes my hand and interlocks our fingers. I smile at the gesture and she just continues looking out the window. We fall into a comfortable silence. After about 30 minutes of driving I park the car and get out and head over to her side of the car to open the door.

Demi:"Oh such a gentle.....Lady" she wriggles her eye brows and laughs a bit. I just chuckle and close the door. I grab her hand and guide us to the next surprise.
Once we get about half way there I cover her eyes.

Demi:"what are you doing weirdo" she says laughing

"Hi I'm Saavvi and I'll be your guide for the evening, now lil lady if you will just follow me we will be there shortly" we both laugh as I guide her to the edge of the dock and then I slowly snake my arms around her waist.

"Surprise" I whisper in her ear and I can tell she is grinning from ear to ear

Demi:"A boat ride?!? I love it"

"Yeah I know it's kind of cheesy and cliché, but I thought that maybe it would be nice to get away before the tour starts" she turns her head and places a sweet kiss on my lips.

Demi:" I love it thank you" I smile and we head over to the boat and the captain welcomes us and we take our seats. Soon after a waiter comes over and asks for our drink order.

Waiter:" Good evening beautiful ladies, I'm Malachi and I'll be your waiter tonight. Would you like any refreshments? He says with a heart warming smile. In the corner of my eye I can see Demi sort of tense but not enough to be a problem.

"Yes, a bottle of your finest sparkling cider please" I say with a sweet smile. He nods and walks away. I turn to Demi and see she looks relieved. I smile at her and she starts to blush.

Demi:" I still can't believe you did all this. How did you even get this reserved last minute?" She says curiously

"That was the easy part, I didn't have to, this is my boat........" I say kind of shyly. I mean do I have money? Yes. I made good with the degrees I earned. I didn't go to school for shits and giggles. But in all honestly, I'm just glad I'm putting it to good use like this. I don't NEED a fucking boat. But I wanted the date to be nice and memorable, something she can look back on and go "wow", so I bought one.

Demi:" I bet you have awesome parties on this thing it huge!" She said looking around. I mean it's a nice boat. Marble floors, a maple wood bar, beautiful lighting, very spacious, but I'm probably gonna give it away to someone who can make use of it more than I can.

"Well no, haha, I kind of sort of bought it this morning for our date...." I say avoiding eye contact with her beautiful brown spirals of chocolate. She looked at me wide eyed and smiling.

Demi:" you did all this for me?...." She almost said in a whisper. I looked at her and smiled shyly.


She leaned over the table and placed a sweet kiss upon my lips and let them linger for a while before pulling away and resting her forehead on mine. "You're amazing" she whispered before pulling away completely. She sat back down and intertwined our hands across the table and I can feel myself blushing. Great. My eyes. Ugh. I guess she thought it was funny that they started to change because she starting to chuckle a bit, and soon after I joined her. The waiter came back with our cider and placed it on the table.

Malachi:" okay ladies, what can I get you two to eat?" He asked pulling out a pad to write on.

Oh shit, we didn't even look.

"Can we have a few more minutes to decide"

Malachi:" certainly, take your time, I'll come back around in a bit" he smiled and walked away. We both picked up our minus and started looking for something to eat. After a while of going back and forth in what looks good we finally decided. I guess our waiter saw and came sauntering over to us.

Malachi:" ladies, have we decided?"

Demi:"yes I'll have the chicken Alfredo with a side of broccoli"

"And I'll have the lasagna with a side of French cut green beans"

Malachi:" Excellent choice, no problem" he smiled and took our menus and walked away.

Demi:" this night is amazing" she said grabbing my hands again

"You think so?" I say with a devious smirk

Demi:" Yes! I've never had a date like this. The sand boarding was amazing I've always wanted to do it, and now this....... I'm just really happy" she says with this smile that could light up all the lights on earth and could warm the hearts of millions. I feel my heart flutter and slightly increase. Fuck that it pounding.

"Well I'm glad I could make that smile of yours appear on your gorgeous face, and make you happy. It's truly an honor" I try to say confidently. After that we just stared into each other's eyes for a while. A comfortable silence fell over us. I played with our hands and smiled like an idiot. After a while our food came and we ate, talked, joked, laughed, stared. The whole nine yards. It was perfect. SHE was perfect.

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