Chapter 6

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Saavvi's POV
I get my drinks not really paying attention to anything else. I felt bad about making Styles upset and that's all I can think about. I get a text from her saying she's gonna meet me so I take a set at one of the tables and start scrolling through Instagram. About 5 min pass by when someone gets up and starts waking my way I look up to see who it is out of curiosity and I can't believe who it is. My mind is racing and going blank at the same time. I can't put together any words. I open my mouth to speak when I hear the door open and hear a loud....


I look over and see Styles wide eyed and smiling like an idiot.

"Geez man are you in a shouting mood lately" I say getting up from my seat and handing her her coffee

Demi's POV
The woman in front of me comes in and looks straight at me and practically fangirls. Just then Saavvi gets up after making a sarcastic remark and hands her a coffee. Still staring at me she takes it and then looks to Saavvi with a stunned look on her face

Woman: uh hello are you blind or are you stupid!?!?!

Saavvi: well I have on my contacts so technically I'm sort of blind yes, and as for the stupid bit that's just pl--

Woman: "Demi Lovato is standing right in front of you! You bloody idiot" she tries to say in a whisper but by the end she ends up almost yelling

They both turn to look at me, and trying to get my self together still confused as to what is happening in front of me I start to introduce myself

"Hi I'm Demi, but I'm pretty sure you know that haha" I say looking at the woman that came in and smile.

Saavvi's POV
By now my heart is racing I don't know what to do. Demi. Mother. Frikken. Lovato is standing right in front of me and I'm completely ignoring her. Great. Great job Saavvi. Pat yourself on the back for that one.

She's facing Styles and she introduces herself awkwardly. And let me tell you.... It was the cutest thing ever. Hearing her talk just kinda made my heart sing. She has that kind of effect on people. She turned her head to look at me and says

Demi: "And you're Saavvi right?"

Holy shit how does she know me!!??

Saavvi: "Uh yeah aha how did you..?" I trailed off kind of confused

Demi: "you're the girl that saved Sarah Paulson from that car. It was on the news and media. My best friend showed me the scoop"

Good lord I forgot the paps got that on camera.

Saavvi: "Oh that, yeah that's me" I stifle a laugh

Saavvi: "and this is my uhm... Sister. Styles. As you can see she's a huge fan" I say as I nudge her arm

Styles: "oh don't play coy Saavvi, you're a giant Lovatic and you know it"

I glare at her for a sec and then turn back to Demi who is smiling.
God she's so cute. Swear.

Demi: "Nice to meet you Styles, so you guys are twins, that's so cool!"

Haha, she thinks we're twins. This is gonna be good. Just then I see Marissa come up behind her smiling.

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