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I woke up to the sound of my phone going off from somewhere next to me. I was still sleeping on top of Damon's chest, and he was out cold. I finally found it on my nightstand, just as the call had ended. I would've just ignored it, but at the very last second, I realized two things. 1, it was 4:30 in the morning, and 2, it was a call from Jane. And her calling this early wasn't about to be just a social call.
I quickly called her back, and she immediately picked up on the first ring, only it wasn't my sister.
"It's baby time." Was the only thing Weston had to say before I was completely up and out of bed.
"We'll be right up there."
I ended the call, and grabbed the two previously packed diaper bags, making sure they had everything in them and put them by the front door. We had, thankfully, already installed both car seats in my car while we were at the baby shower.
The last thing I needed to do was to wake up Damon.
"What's going on?" He was already sitting up as I entered our room.
"Jane's in labor." I said and his eyes went large. "She's only 37 weeks."
"That's okay, she's full term, and she made it that far with twins, it's amazing."
He was wide awake in a matter of minutes and practically already to go. He carried the diaper bags out and put them in the backseat before climbing in the passenger's side. I got in the driver's seat and then started the route to the hospital.

We arrived at the hospital a little after 5 am. Awaiting for us in the waiting room was both of our parents. Our siblings weren't going to venture until later, and Roman was sitting in between Vanessa and Stan, he had a tablet in his lap and was eating fruit snacks.
"Does anybody know anything?" I hugged my mom, who stood up the second she seen me.
"Other than she's miserable. She's about a 4."
"We're gonna head back there." I said and she smiled at me. We gave our information to the woman at the desk, and she gave us an odd look, but didn't say anything as she instructed us where to go.
But finally, we made it to Jane's room. She was, indeed, looking as miserable as my mother implied, and she was hooked up to an IV and a fetal monitor.
"Hey," I knocked on the wall, pulling the curtain back just a bit so that she could see it was us.
"Hey," She gave me a weak smile, and then it faded. "One of the boys is breech."
"What does that mean?" Damon asked, nervously.
"Babies are supposed to come out head first, face down. Breech is when baby comes out feet first."
"Is that bad?"
"It can be," I grabbed his hand, interlocking our fingers.
Janey's hand went through my hair as I sat next to her.. I could see it in her eyes that she was exhausted, and scared. "If I don't start to dilate more soon, they're talking about a c-section."
When she went into labor with Roman, she almost ended up having a C-section, then as well. Her cervix just wouldn't dilate passed a certain point, but at the very end, it had finally opened up.
"Looks like the boys will be here soon," I said, nervously. It was just now hitting me how close we were to their arrival.
The obstetrician had decided that if she was up to 7 centimeters in the next two hours, they would go ahead with the c-section, since they had started her on a pitocin drip just before we had arrived.

By 7:40, she was now almost a 9. She only had 1 more centimeter to go until she was fully dilated. By 7:55, she was ready to push.
Damon didn't look too good, but assured me he felt fine. I told him he should sit, but he insisted that he was okay. Not wanting to create a scene, I left it alone. I took her left leg while Weston took her right, and Damon stood behind me, placing a cool rag on Jane's forehead. At 8:07, Cadence James was born in swiftly after pushing for about 5 minutes.
He was beautiful, with a head full of jet black hair and a set full of powerful lungs. He began to cry the instant Damon cut his cord.
A nurse took him to get weighed and cleaned up, and that's when Baby B's heart rate began to drop. "We have to get him out. Now." After a few seconds, they wheeled her off to the OR for an emergency c-section.
And that made Damon and I anxious. We sat with Cadence while we waited to hear anything about Jane and Baby B.
There was no way that Cadence wasn't biologically Damon's. He was the spitting image of his dad. After about a half hour, the nurse took Cade to the NICU just to get him checked out because he was technically 3 weeks early.
After an hour, we finally got word. Jane was wheeled back in on her bed, but not with our boy in tow.
"What happened?" I questioned the nurse that brought her back in.
"Baby's heart rate started to drop." She stated what we already knew. "With him being breech, we couldn't risk him staying in any longer. He's in the NICU with Baby A, right now. After he's checked out, they'll be transported to the nursery and you can visit them in there."
I thanked her, and we decided to let Janey rest with Weston by her side as we went out to the waiting room.

We explained to our parents in the waiting room, and then, we decided to head down to the nursery to see our boys.

Us (boyxboy) ✧Book 1✧Where stories live. Discover now