chapter 13

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ok so the story will be getting better soon I just need to get the next couple of chaptrs out of th way. I hope you understand! thanks xx


-Arianas POV!!-

I heard my alarm go off and opened one eye to turn it off. I saw the time was 6.30AM. Why was it set for so early? Then it hit me. My meeting with X-factor at 9. I hopped out of bed and got into the shower. I shampood and conditioned my hair then washed it all out and got out of the shower. I wrapped a white fluffy towel around myself then walked back to my room.

I dried off then got out some clothes I wanted to wear. I got some dark skinny jeans, a white strapped top on, a oversized jumper which showed one of my shoulders and a pair of uggs. I quickly got dressed then got out my hair stuff and make up. I straightened my hair then curled the ends as usual. And I then put it up in a high ponytail. I did my make up as usual just casual not to much or too little.

I checked the time and it was now 7.15AM. I went downstairs and poured myself a bowl of special K. I went into the front room to watch it and turned on the telly. I needed a distraction. I didn't want to be too nervous when I had the meeting.

The telly distraction wasn't really working for me. I couldn't get the meeting out of my head it was even worse when a report came on about me, Caroline and Olly. I turned the telly off and looked at my watch. It was only 7.45AM. Time was going so slowly but in this case I wasn't to sure as to whether that's a good thing or a bad thing.

I started to pace the living room nervously when my mum and dad came downstairs. They quickly grabbed some breakfast and left for work after giving me a kiss on the cheek. None of them knew about this meeting. I didn't want to worry or upset them. I hadn't told Frankie either because he helped me so much and put so much effort into me getting this. I decided I was going to beg them to let me stay. I wasn't telling anyone until it was official.

Eventually it was 8.15AM and that was when I left the house. I left Frankie a quick note saying I was going out and I didn't know when I would be back then I left. I walked through Camden market to get to the tube. I bought a ticket, went through the station and then got on.

I had to stand holding a pole so I stood by myself and as usual it was packed full of people. I had loads of sweaty old people around me on their way to work. Oh the joys of London life.

I got off the tube and started walking to the meeting. With every step I took my heart started racing faster and faster. My stomach was turning inside of me and I had butterflies. Not the good ones. I honestly felt like I was going to be sick.

It was now 8.45AM and I was there. I stood outside looking at the building. It looked so daunting. It never had before but now I couldn't think of anything scarier. I walked towards the door and pushed against it. I felt like this building was a massive monster and I was willingly walking into its mouth ready to be eaten.

I walked to the woman sitting at the desk. She had long brown curly hair which was pinned back. When she heard me coming she looked up and smiled at me.

'Are you Miss Ariana Grande?' She asked happily. I gulped. And nodded. 'Just wait right here please I will let them know you are here!' She gave m one last smile before walking into a room which was full of chatting. She disappeared for a few minutes before coming back and sitting down.

'Would you mind waiting out here for a few minutes?' She asked. She was so jolly. I honestly wish I was her right now. So happy and nothing to worry about.

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