chapter 18

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'hey so now I am moving things along quite a lot to get into the real fanfic so this has kind of all been a intro so far, yes a long one but you know:)


-Arianas POV!!-

It was now week 5 of the X-factor audition. The contestants had gone from 16 down to 11. Talia, Owen, ROFL, Paradox and Jacob had left. There was now only 3 girls, 3 boys, 2 bands and 3 25+s.

This week was going to be a double elimination though. This was because we would have to be dueting. Half of us picked out of a hat and whoever we got we would be partnered with.

I closed my eyes and put my hand into the bowl with the wrapped up names in. I picked one out and nervously opened my eyes. I slowly began to unfold the piece of paper with my partners name on. I was really happy to find I was with Ethan. I read his name out and he cheered. He ran over to me and gave me a massive hug. I was really happy about this because I knew Ethan really well and he was one of my first frienads I made on X-Factor.

Everyone else picked out of the bowl then went off with their partners. Me and Ethan went into the game room. We decided that we were going to make our own song. We started to write some lyrics down and thought about our strong and weaknesses in our voices and we used them to an advantage.

We didn't really make any final decisions yet because we still had to discuss all of this with our mentor. We were having Ethan's mentor meaning that it was Harry. This week I was going to be hanging around with Harry a lot. Not that I was nervous or anything. Pfft no. Of course not. I mean why would I be? It's just Harry. And anyways I am with Josh so its ok. Im not even thinking about Harry like that.

For the rest of the night I was thinking about how this week would turn out. I decided to be totally honest with myself. So it was Harry Styles. Of course I was slightly attracted to him. But who isn't? Anyone who is in their right mind would be. And its not like I love him. I love Josh so its ok. And Its harry Styles for gods sake of course he wouldn't go for someone like me! Im a contestant and he hangs out with girls like Cara Delevigne on a daily basis. Its not like I would leave Josh for anything though. Well that's what I kept telling myself.

I fell asleep and didn't really dream about anything. But the second I woke up I immediately started thinking of Harry again. I walked down the stairs and when I got into the kitchen I found Jane sitting there with a glass of orange juice. I wanted to tell her everything but I just couldn't bring myself to it.

Instead I just walked over to her and wrapped my arms around her.

'Oh my dear, whats this for?' She asked laughing.

'Nothing, I just love you. You're like a second mum to me.'

'Aw sweetie, I love you too' She smiled and squeezed me tightly. When we let go we just smiled at eachother then Jane got up and said she would make me some breakfast. She made me some scrambled egg on toast.

While she was cooking I thought some more about the Harry thing then I realised. I was just over exaggerating. Nothing was going on between us. I wouldn't risk Josh or this competition for him anyway. I was just over thinking and making it a bigger deal than it actually was.

At 9 o clock me and Ethan got taken to the studio and there we started warming our voices up. Ethan grabbed a keyboard and started to play a tune. And it was really good.

'Ethan, wheres that from?' I asked.

'I don't know, I made it up a while ago but I couldn't think of any words to go with it. Nothing seemed to fit.' He replied. Then it hit me.

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